A revolutionary way to learn math online
Thrive in the AI age
By learning creatively
Lively, inspiring coaches
Guided by expertise
+ Fun
AI is here. “Practice makes perfect” is the language of robots. Learn how to think and reason off-script, with the curiosity, creativity, and emotion that makes us human.
We teach these skills through the language of reason: math. Our curriculum matches the biggest math competitions (MATHCOUNTS and AMC), because they focus on non-standard problems — great for dynamic brainstorming sessions that teach invention.
Then we add personality: real, interesting people. Our new tech blows up interactivity (and looks nice). It's the fun of Instagram Live and Twitch, applied to serious education, for the first time.
Invented by Po-Shen Loh.
Meet the Math Streamers

Your coaches: math stars, at the top of their game. We run the world’s first large-scale professionally selected community of brilliant, kind, and personable high schoolers who have extraordinary math skills and are on track to change the world, in an ecosystem where while they teach you math, they are simultaneously guided by professional actors to boost their own long-term success. It’s a revolutionary win-win.
Status Quo
In-Video Chat
You're not alone anymore. We've solved the problem of Zoom class being so boring that everyone secretly watches YouTube instead. The breakthrough was to put the chat on-screen, as a centerpiece to focus discussion and interaction. How? By moderating it. A feature that is not available in Zoom.
Improv Comedy
In each class, two live-streamers teach 40 students. Ideas flow in so many more ways, and elevate the excitement level of the class. This teaching style is our unique combination of performance techniques from improv comedy, combined with broad math expertise.
Powered by Po-Shen Loh
Live interaction? Or professional math insight and expertise, with crystal clear, polished, explanations? Who says you can't have both? Our live-streamers multiply the Prof. Loh effect by interspersing his short pre-recorded clips. With our technology, when they smoothly ask, “Prof. Loh, what do you think?”, it's just like he's in the room too.
Boundless Access
We've cracked the code. Online courses are now more lively than in person. This lets us create class cohorts without geographical limitations. You don't have to squeeze your schedule around an 8pm class, because it’s always 8pm somewhere on Earth. Our classrooms have people from all over the world, learning together.
Actual Course Footage
Words can't describe how engaging and immersive this new experience is. See our techniques at work in this recording from an actual class. Audio and video from students in the class has been blocked for privacy. The people in the video are the brilliant high school math students who are teaching. The on-screen chat messages show their students participating in the discussion.
The backbone of middle school math competitions. Efficiently covers important topics that are not part of standard school curriculum. Modules are available for a wide range of levels, from middle and elementary school students familiar with Pre-Algebra, to high school students who need to learn Combinatorics and Number Theory for high school math contests.
Classes per Module
Each 60–90 minutes long. Structured around big questions that you get to think about, and discuss your ideas. Our streamers improvisationally lead students to discover how their ideas could contribute to a solution, before Prof. Loh's segment provides comprehensive coverage.
Carefully Designed Problems
Each module contains over 150 specially crafted problems, each of which teaches new concepts. Many are quite challenging. You'll discover abilities you never knew you had. Includes homeworks and practice tests.
Our LIVE courses are priced at just under $22/hour. They follow the same curriculum as our self-paced courses (which have been taken by thousands of students).
Introduction (Module 0)
An efficient tour through all areas of beyond-curricular math (aligned with MATHCOUNTS and AMC 8). Teaches topics in Algebra, Geometry, Combinatorics, Number Theory, and Probability. Designed to inspire students to love challenging math.
Algebra Basics (Module 1)
A deep dive into the algebraic concepts which can be understood with just a Pre-Algebra background (prerequisite knowledge: decimals, fractions, and percents). These concepts form the majority of the early problems on MATHCOUNTS and AMC 8.
Geometry (Module 2)
Rapidly teaches geometrical concepts through custom-designed problems that are understandable to students who have not yet taken a proof-based high school geometry course. Covers geometry which appears in MATHCOUNTS, AMC 8, and AMC 10.
Algebra Tools (Module 3)
Since algebraic problems appear twice as frequently as other subjects on MATHCOUNTS and AMC 8, this course makes a second pass at algebra, covering more advanced topics that Algebra Basics (Module 1) did not have time for.
Combinatorics (Module 4)
A systematic introduction to one of the most interesting math subjects which is not taught in the standard school curriculum, but which often appears in hard problems on math contests. Covers concepts in MATHCOUNTS, AMC 8, AMC 10, AMC 12, and AIME.
Number Theory (Module 5)
Our most challenging course. A systematic introduction to abstract concepts across number theory, illustrated through custom-designed problems that make difficult-to-grasp ideas concrete. Covers concepts in MATHCOUNTS, AMC 8, AMC 10, AMC 12, and AIME.
Answer a few questions, and we will recommend a track.
Have you taken any systematic math contest classes outside of school which are beyond Algebra?
Enroll Now
Each introductory course costs $439, for 20 hours of instruction ($22/hour).
We are running a comprehensive and systematic problem-solving program. It's the most efficient and enjoyable way to learn challenging math. View the full breadth of our offerings by clicking on the button below.
$1 Trial Class
Experience our interactive learning style by joining a real class. We regularly offer 1-hour sessions which are run in the exact same way as our regular lessons. The trial class covers the first day of material from one of our introductory courses, which is normally a $22 value.
Upcoming times (listed in your time zone). Grayed-out sessions are full. Click to register:
LIVE Solves
We regularly hold free public LIVE Solves where we solve problems in real-time, as official collaborations with MATHCOUNTS, Mathleague.org, Math Kangaroo USA, and many other competitions. View the complete list of upcoming sessions by clicking on the button below.
Or, practice past AMC 8 and AMC 10 contest problems from our archive.
Contact Us
We'd love to talk. We want to help you find the best learning resources for your students. If it's not ours, we'll point you elsewhere. We understand the landscape, and created LIVE because we know it's the best fit for many students. Email us any time at course-consulting@poshenloh.com, or book a free 30-minute consultation call:
To stay up to date on opportunities, join our email newsletter for busy parents, which sends timely information on math and education every two weeks.