Excited math teacher getting ready to teach
Math teacher with writing on screen
Another math teacher with writing on screen
Professor Po-Shen Loh teaching math


LIVE Solve 4.6.2025


Real Math Kangaroo problems

Solved live

With expert cohosts

Every 3 weeks

Leap Ahead

We're thrilled to officially collaborate with Math Kangaroo to run LIVE Solves every 3 weeks. We'll use a new technique we've pioneered to help middle school students learn to love challenging math. We equip brilliant and approachable high school students with the latest technology, transforming Zoom to become unrecognizably lively.

It's as if Instagram Live and Twitch got into education.

The twist: our live-streamers won't look at the problems beforehand. You'll get to see how expert solvers think on the spot.

Register Now

Registration is free. Limited to 2,000 people.

Click any button to register for our LIVE solve for that grade level of Math Kangaroo. Since different grade levels have different registration buttons, you can click several buttons to register for several sessions. The next sessions are at the following times (in your local time zone).

Grade 5–6
Next session on Apr 6, 2025 at 7:00pm
Grade 7–8
Next session on May 18, 2025 at 7:00pm

Each level's session repeats every 9 weeks. (There are 3 levels, and we run a Math Kangaroo LIVE Solve every 3 weeks.)

Next Event Details

Official Math Kangaroo LIVE Solve (Grade 5–6)

Apr 6, 2025 at 7:00pm (in your local time zone)


Learn Like This

We've created an entire curriculum and educational program based on this new way of learning. It's designed by Po-Shen Loh, and is serious math. It combines live video and incredible high school students, using our custom technology which transforms the Zoom experience. You can learn every topic in middle school math competitions in this way.

Our goal: enable you to discover abilities you didn't know you had, while loving every moment.


$1 Trial Class

Experience our interactive learning style by joining a real class. We regularly offer 1-hour sessions which are run in the exact same way as our regular lessons. The trial class covers the first day of material from one of our introductory courses, which is normally a $22 value.

Upcoming times (listed in your time zone). Grayed-out sessions are full. Click to register:

Contact Us

We'd love to talk. We want to help you find the best learning resources for your students. If it's not ours, we'll point you elsewhere. We understand the landscape, and created LIVE because we know it's the best fit for many students. Email us any time at course-consulting@poshenloh.com, or book a free 30-minute consultation call:

To stay up to date on opportunities, join our email newsletter for busy parents, which sends timely information on math and education every two weeks.