2025 AMC 8 Exam Solutions
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All of the real AMC 8 and AMC 10 problems in our complete solution collection are used with official permission of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA).
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The eight-pointed star, shown in the figure below, is a popular quilting pattern. What percent of the entire -by- grid is covered by the star?
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There is symmetry, and so whatever fraction of the top-left quarter is shaded, is the same as the fraction of the entire square that is shaded.
Focus on the top-left quarter. Consider moving a single triangle. The shaded area in the problem is exactly the same as the shaded area in this diagram (and the top-left quarter is outlined in bold):
But then it is obvious that exactly half of the top-left quarter is shaded, and so the answer is which is choice B.
The table below shows the ancient Egyptian heiroglyphs that were used to represent different numbers.
For example, the number was represented by:
What number was represented by the following combination of heiroglyphs?
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We just need to count how many of each type of glyph there are.
There is glyph worth
There are glyphs worth each.
There are glyphs worth each.
There are glyphs worth each.
So, the answer is which is choice B.
Buffalo Shuffle-o is a card game in which all the cards are distributed evenly among all players at the start of the game. When Annika and of her friends play Buffalo Shuffle-o, each player is dealt cards. Suppose more friends join the next game. How many cards will be dealt to each player?
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At the start, there are total people (Annika plus friends), each with cards, so there are cards in total. If more friends join, there will be people in total, and so each should get cards, which is choice C.
Lucius is counting backward by s. His first three numbers are and What is his th number?
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There will be gaps between his first number and his th number. Each gap has size
So, he will subtract a total of from leaving an answer of which is choice B.
Betty drives a truck to deliver packages in a neighborhood whose street map is shown below. Betty starts at the factory (labeled ) and drives to location then then before returning to What is the shortest distance, in blocks, she can drive to complete the route?
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The key idea is that if driving from coordinates to then the shortest distance is This is often called the Manhattan distance. It is also equal to the number of horizontal blocks between the locations, plus the number of vertical blocks between the locations.
The shortest distance from to is then
The shortest distance from to is
The shortest distance from to is
The shortest distance from to is
Adding up all of these numbers, we get which is choice C.
One small possible shortcut for the solution is to notice that when going from to to the visit to is conveniently along a shortest path from to anyway, so we can even remove the requirement to stop at from the problem.
Sekou writes the numbers After he erases one of the numbers, the sum of the remaining four numbers is a multiple of Which number did he erase?
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The remainders of the five numbers after dividing by are: and So, the sum of all five numbers modulo is the same as which has remainder modulo Therefore, in order to erase a single number and get a sum that is modulo we must erase the number which was modulo which was Therefore, the answer is C.
On the most recent exam in Prof. Xochi's class,
• students earned a score of at least
• students earned a score of at least
• students earned a score of at least and
• students earned a score of at least
How many students earned a score of at least and less than
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Notice that the numbers of students in each category keeps increasing, which makes sense because the categories are getting broader.
We want to include all of the students who earned a score of at least but exclude all of the students who earned a score of at least So, the answer is which is choice D.
Isaiah cuts open a cardboard cube along some of its edges to form the flat shape shown, which has an area of square centimeters. What was the volume of the cube in cubic centimeters?
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There are squares, so each has area Then the side length of the cube is The volume is which is choice A.
Ningli looks at the pairs of numbers directly across from each other on a clock. She takes the average of each pair of numbers. What is the average of the resulting numbers?
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The answer is the same as the average of all numbers. To understand why this is the case, it is actually generally true that if a whole bunch of numbers is split up into pairs, and each pair is averaged, and then all those pair-averages are averaged, the answer is the average of all the numbers.
To see why this is true, consider a smaller example of numbers and The average of the pair-averages is: and that is equal to The same type of simplification happens with numbers.
Since the numbers are equally spaced (in an arithmetic progression), the answer is the same as the average of the first and last number, which is or choice B.
In the figure below, is a rectangle with sides of length inches and inches. Rectangle is rotated clockwise around the midpoint of side to give a second rectangle. What is the total area, in square inches, covered by the two overlapping rectangles?
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The easiest way to solve this problem is using the Inclusion-Exclusion formula. That is: add the areas of the two rectangles, and then subtract the overlapping (square) area.
Each rectangle has area
Their overlap is a square that has side length and so its area is
Therefore, the total area is which is choice D.
A tetromino consists of four squares connected along their edges. There are five possible tetromino shapes, I, O, L, T, and S, shown below, which can be rotated or flipped over. Three tetrominoes are used to completely cover a rectangle. At least one of the tiles is an S tile. What are the other two tiles?
I and L
I and T
L and L
L and S
O and T
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A little trial-and-error suggests placing the S tetromino in a way that does not block too much, like this:
It is then easy to see that the remainder can be partitioned into two L tetrominoes, and so the answer is C.
The region shown below consists of squares, each with side length centimeter. What is the area, in square centimeters, of the largest circle that can fit inside the region, possibly touching the boundaries?
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The corners of the region which are closest to the center are the points which lie on this circle:
By the Pythagorean Theorem, each of these points has this distance from the center: The area of the circle is then which is choice C.
Each of the even numbers is divided by The remainders are recorded. Which histogram displays the number of times each remainder occurs?
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The remainders go in order and then repeat.
All of the answer choices have bars of height and bars of height
So, we should pick the answer choice where the taller bars are on the first remainders to appear in our order, which are and That is option A.
A number is inserted into the list The mean is now twice as great as the median. What is
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After inserting into the list, there will be total numbers. That is even, so the median will be the average of the middle two numbers.
All of the answer choices are at least so when they are inserted into the list, the middle two numbers will be and It is convenient that the median will always be no matter which answer choice is picked.
The mean becomes twice the median, which is
To have a total of numbers with mean their sum must become
The sum of the original numbers is so the answer is which is choice E.
Kei draws a -by- grid. He colors of the unit squares silver and the remaining squares gold. Kei then folds the grid in half vertically, forming pairs of overlapping unit squares. Let and equal the least and greatest possible number of gold-on-gold pairs, respectively. What is the value of
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The number of gold squares is The total squares overlap as pairs.
To minimize the number of pairs with two gold squares, the gold squares should first be spread out across all pairs. That uses up of them. The remaining gold squares double-up and create a total of gold-on-gold pairs.
To maximize the number of pairs with two gold squares, the gold squares should first be paired up as much as possible. That can be done to create pairs, with gold square left over, because is with a remainder of
The answer is which is choice C.
Five distinct integers from to are chosen, and five distinct integers from to are chosen. No two numbers differ by exactly What is the sum of the ten chosen numbers?
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Call the integers from to inclusive the lower range, and call the integers from to inclusive the higher range.
Each of the distinct numbers chosen from the lower range blocks out the number in the higher range that is exactly more than itself. There are only numbers in the higher range, so there are only numbers not yet blocked.
We need to choose distinct numbers from the higher range, so the numbers chosen from the higher range are precisely those which are not yet blocked. They are each exactly more than a not-chosen number in the lower range.
So, the sum of the distinct numbers chosen from the higher range is exactly more than the sum of the not-chosen numbers in the lower range.
The sum of all chosen numbers is therefore equal to plus the sum of all chosen and not-chosen numbers in the lower range
The sum of the numbers from to is so the answer is or choice C.
In the land of Markovia, there are three cities: and There are people who live in who live in and who live in Everyone works in one of the three cities, and a person may work in the same city where they live. In the figure below, an arrow pointing from one city to another is labeled with the fraction of people living in the first city who work in the second city. (For example, of the people who live in work in ) How many people work in
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The number of people who live in and work in is which is The number of people who live in and work in is The number of people who live in and work in is So, the answer is which is choice D.
The circle shown below on the left has a radius of unit. The region between the circle and the inscribed square is shaded. In the circle shown on the right, one quarter of the region between the circle and the inscribed square is shaded. The shaded regions in the two circles have the same area. What is the radius in units, of the circle on the right?
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The diagram on the right is similar to the diagram on the left, but the corresponding areas in the diagram on the right are times the areas on the left. So, each length on the right is times the corresponding length on the left. This gives which is choice B.
Two towns, and are connected by a straight road, miles long. Traveling from town to town the speed limit changes every miles: from to to miles per hour (mph). Two cars, one at town and one at town start moving toward each other at the same time. They drive at exactly the speed limit in each portion of the road. How far from town in miles, will the two cars meet?
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Think of the road as having three sections: left, middle, and right. Each section is miles long.
The car from reaches the middle section in hours.
The car from reaches the middle section in hours. By that time, the car from has already driven in the middle section for hours. During this time, that car from has traveled miles in the middle section.
That leaves miles between the two cars in the middle section.
At that moment, the car from is miles from
Since the cars drive at the same speed of mph in the middle section, they meet after each driving more miles. This takes the car from a total distance of miles, which is choice D.
Sarika, Dev, and Rajiv are sharing a large block of cheese. They take turns cutting off half of what remains and eating it: first Sarika eats half of the cheese, then Dev eats half of the remaining half, then Rajiv eats half of what remains, then back to Sarika, and so on. They stop when the cheese is too small to see. About what fraction of the original block of cheese does Sarika eat in total?
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Sarika gets of the cheese in the first step.
Then Dev gets of the cheese.
Then Rajiv gets of the cheese.
Sarika then gets another of the cheese.
This pattern continues. Ultimately, Sarika gets which is the sum of an infinite geometric series with first term and common ratio That sum is which is choice A.
The Konigsberg School has assigned grades through to pods through one grade per pod. Some of the pods are connected by walkways, as shown in the figure below. The school noticed that each pair of connected pods has been assigned grades differing by or more grade levels. (For example, grades and will not be in pods directly connected by a walkway.) What is the sum of the grade levels assigned to pods and
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Among pods and each pair is directly connected by a walkway. So, they have to be at least grades apart. The only way to select numbers from through inclusive, which are at least apart, is to select in some order.
Try dealing with next, because it looks less complex. What if grade is in pod
Then and cannot be or That forces and to be among and and and to be among and .
The remaining undetermined pods and only are directly connected to and so this suggests putting grade in pod and grade in pod as the extreme grades only have one conflict each.
Then grade can go in pod and grade can go in pod
In order to satisfy the constraints we have made so far, grade goes in pod , and grade goes in pod This actually works, and so the answer is which is choice A.
A classroom has a row of coat hooks. Paulina likes coats to be equally spaced, so that there is the same number of empty hooks before the first coat, after the last coat, and between every coat and the next one. Suppose there is at least coat and at least empty hook. How many different numbers of coats can satisfy Paulina's pattern?
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Imagine adding an extra coat hook with a coat on it after the last coat. Now, there will be coat hooks, and a repeating pattern, where each block of the pattern has a bunch of empty hooks followed by a coat. Let be the number of items in each block. Let be the number of blocks. Note that is exactly one more than the number of coats, because we added an extra coat at the end.
We then have
The constraint on is that because each block has at least one empty hook, and ends with a coat.
The constraint on is that because there was at least one coat before, and we added one extra coat at the end.
So, we just need to find out how many ways there are to factorize into the product of two integers that are at least
The number of ways to factorize into the product of two positive integers is exactly equal to the number of factors of There is a formula for that: since , the number of factors of is
Out of these factorizations, exactly two are disqualified: and So, the answer is which is choice D.
How many four-digit numbers have all three of the following properties?
(I) The tens digit and ones digit are both
(II) The number is less than a perfect square.
(III) The number is the product of exactly two prime numbers.
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The number has the form and so the perfect square that is more ends in and so it is the square of a number ending in Suppose that square is
In order for to be a -digit number, the only possibilities for are
Since we also need both and to be prime. We are then looking for pairs of prime numbers that are right around
Going through all the possibilities, the only ones that work are and , and so there is exactly way to do this. The answer is B.
In trapezoid angles and measure and The side lengths are all positive integers and the perimeter of is units. How many non-congruent trapezoids satisfy all of these conditions?
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Draw a line through parallel to line and observe that some lengths are automatically equal to each other:
That is because and so triangle is equilateral. All lengths labeled are always equal.
Also, is a parallelogram (not necessarily a rhombus), so the remaining lengths labeled are always equal to each other, but not necessarily equal to
The perimeter is but it is also supposed to be
The problem the amounts to counting how many positive integer solutions there are to the equation
As we consider positive integers for observe that it is precisely the even integers which give an integer solution for because is the even number
And, once we get to the that satisfies the equation is which is not a positive integer.
So, the values that work for are the positive even integers less than or There are options, which gives the answer of E.
Makayla finds all the possible ways to draw a path in a diamond-shaped grid. Each path starts at the bottom of the grid and ends at the top, always moving one unit northeast or northwest. She computes the area of the region between each path and the right side of the grid. Two examples are shown in the figures below. What is the sum of the areas determined by all possible paths?
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Let be the answer.
By symmetry, if the question asked for the sum of areas between each path and the left side of the grid, then the answer would be exactly the same
But if that answer is added to the original answer, that is exactly the same as the sum over all paths, of the sum of areas to the left and to the right.
For each path, that sum of areas is exactly
The number of paths is equal to the number of ways to rearrange where stands for Left and stands for Right, as the path walks up. The number of rearrangements is choose denoted
So, Dividing by we get that equals which is 3150, or choice B.