2021 AMC 10B Spring Exam Problems

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How many integer values of xx satisfy x<3π?|x| < 3\pi?

9 9

10 10

18 18

19 19

20 20

Answer: D

Every integer from 9-9 to 9,9, inclusive, works. This yields 9(9)+1=199-(-9)+1 = 19 solutions.

Thus, the correct answer is D.


What is the value of (323)2+(3+23)2?\sqrt{\left(3-2\sqrt{3}\right)^2}+\sqrt{\left(3+2\sqrt{3}\right)^2}?

0 0

436 4\sqrt{3}-6

6 6

43 4\sqrt{3}

43+6 4\sqrt{3}+6

Answer: D

We know (323)2+(3+23)2\sqrt{\left(3-2\sqrt{3}\right)^2}+\sqrt{\left(3+2\sqrt{3}\right)^2 } =323+3+23.= |3-2\sqrt{3}| + |3+2\sqrt{3}|. Since 3<23,3 < 2 \sqrt 3, we know that 323<0.3-2\sqrt{3} < 0.

Therefore, our desired equation expression is equal to 3+23+3+23-3+2\sqrt{3} + 3+2\sqrt{3} =43.= 4 \sqrt 3.

Thus, the correct answer is D.


In an after-school program for juniors and seniors, there is a debate team with an equal number of students from each class on the team. Among the 2828 students in the program, 25%25\% of the juniors and 10%10\% of the seniors are on the debate team. How many juniors are in the program?

5 5

6 6

8 8

11 11

20 20

Answer: C

Let the number of juniors be jj and the number of seniors be s.s. Then, j+s=28j+s = 28 and 0.25j=0.1s.0.25j = 0.1s. This means 2.5j=s,2.5j = s, so 3.5j=28.3.5j = 28. This makes j=8.j=8.

Thus, the correct answer is C.


At a math contest, 5757 students are wearing blue shirts, and another 7575 students are wearing yellow shirts. The 132132 students are assigned into 6666 pairs. In exactly 2323 of these pairs, both students are wearing blue shirts. In how many pairs are both students wearing yellow shirts?

23 23

32 32

37 37

41 41

64 64

Answer: B

There are 223=462\cdot 23 = 46 students with blue shirts that are in a pair with just blue shirts. This means there are 5746=1157-46=11 students in blue shirts who are paired with someone wearing a yellow shirts, meaning exactly 1111 people wearing yellow shirts are paired with someone wearing a blue shirt.

This leaves just 6464 students wearing a yellow shirt who is working with someone else wearing a yellow shirt. This yields 642=32\dfrac{64}2 = 32 pairs.

Thus, the answer is B.


The ages of Jonie's four cousins are distinct single-digit positive integers. Two of the cousins' ages multiplied together give 24,24, while the other two multiply to 30.30. What is the sum of the ages of Jonie's four cousins?

21 21

22 22

23 23

24 24

25 25

Answer: B

Since the last two are multiplied to 3030 and both are single-digit numbers, one of them must be 5,5, making the other person 6.6. The first two are of ages that multiply to 24.24. The only pair of single-digit numbers whos product is 2424 and none of them are 44 or 66 is the pair 3,8.3,8. Thus, the ages are 3,5,6,8,3,5,6,8, making their sum 22.22.

Thus, the answer is B.


Ms. Blackwell gives an exam to two classes. The mean of the scores of the students in the morning class is 84,84, and the afternoon class's mean score is 70.70. The ratio of the number of students in the morning class to the number of students in the afternoon class is 34.\frac{3}{4}. What is the mean of the scores of all the students?

74 74

75 75

76 76

77 77

78 78

Answer: C

Let the number of people in the first class be 3x.3x. This means the number of people in the second class is 4x.4x.

Thus, the sum of the scores of the first class is 843x=252x84\cdot 3x = 252x and the sum of the scores for the people in the second class is 704x=280x.70\cdot 4x = 280x. This means the total sum is 532x,532x, with 7x7x people.

Therefore, the average of all the students is 532x7x=76. \dfrac{532x}{7x} = 76.

Thus, the correct answer is C.


In a plane, four circles with radii 1,3,5,1,3,5, and 77 are tangent to line \ell at the same point A,A, but they may be on either side of .\ell. Region SS consists of all the points that lie inside exactly one of the four circles. What is the maximum possible area of region S?S?

24π 24\pi

32π 32\pi

64π 64\pi

65π 65\pi

84π 84\pi

Answer: D

Consider the following diagram where the lighter colored area makes up region S:

The circles can be in only two locations. We first place the largest circle and then the second largest circle in the opposite location. After this, the circle of radius 33 must be placed on one of the two sides. To minimize the area lost with the last circle, we put it inside the third circle.

This yields an area of 72π+52π32π=65π.7^2 \pi + 5^2 \pi -3^2\pi = 65\pi.

Thus, the answer is D.


Mr. Zhou places all the integers from 11 to 225225 into a 1515 by 1515 grid. He places 11 in the middle square (eighth row and eighth column) and places other numbers one by one clockwise, as shown in part in the diagram below. What is the sum of the greatest number and the least number that appear in the second row from the top?

367 367

368 368

369 369

379 379

380 380

Answer: A

The number on the top left corner is 211,211, so the number under it would be 210.210. This is the greatest number on the second row from the top since 211211 to 225225 are the largest numbers in the square and they are in the top row. now, we must find the least number in the row. Besides the left most number, the squares are increasing by 11 from left to right.

Therefore, the second square is the least square. Note that the diagonal from the center to the upper right corner has all the odd squares, so the 1414th number in the row is 169.169. Thus, the second number in the row is 16912=157,169-12 = 157, so that is the least number in the row. The sum is 157+210=367.157+210=367.

Thus, the answer is A.


The point P(a,b)P(a,b) in the xyxy-plane is first rotated counterclockwise by 9090^\circ around the point (1,5)(1,5) and then reflected about the line y=x.y = -x. The image of PP after these two transformations is at (6,3).(-6,3). What is ba?b - a ?

1 1

3 3

5 5

7 7

9 9

Answer: D

To undo these steps, we first reflect (6,3)(-6,3) back across y=x.y=-x. This would be (3,6).(-3,6).

Next, we need to undo the rotation, so we rotate (3,6)(-3,6) around (1,5)(1,5) by 9090^\circ clockwise.

We can do this by translating our point , rotating around the origin, and translate back. The first translation would be (4,1).(-4,1). Then rotating would be (1,4).(1,4). Then, translating back would be 2,9.2,9. This would make b=9,a=2,b=9,a=2, so ba=7.b-a = 7.

Thus, the answer is D.


An inverted cone with base radius 12cm12 \mathrm{ cm} and height 18cm18 \mathrm{ cm} is full of water. The water is poured into a tall cylinder whose horizontal base has radius of 24cm.24 \mathrm{ cm}. What is the height in centimeters of the water in the cylinder?

1.5 1.5

3 3

4 4

4.5 4.5

6 6

Answer: A

The volumes must be the same since the water is poured from one to another. The area of the cone is r2hπ3=12218π3=864π.\frac{r^2h \pi}3 = \frac{12^2\cdot 18 \pi}3 = 864 \pi.

The volume of the cylinder is r2hπ=242hπ=576hπ.r^2h \pi =24^2h \pi = 576h \pi. This makes 576hπ=864π,576 h \pi = 864 \pi, so h=1.5.h = 1.5.

Thus, the answer is A.


Grandma has just finished baking a large rectangular pan of brownies. She is planning to make rectangular pieces of equal size and shape, with straight cuts parallel to the sides of the pan. Each cut must be made entirely across the pan. Grandma wants to make the same number of interior pieces as pieces along the perimeter of the pan. What is the greatest possible number of brownies she can produce?

24 24

30 30

48 48

60 60

64 64

Answer: D

The number of interior pieces is (l2)(w2).(l-2)(w-2). This would be half of the total number of pieces, which is lw.lw. This means lw2=(l2)(w2).\frac{lw}2 = (l-2)(w-2).

Multiplying out yields lw4l4w+8=0,lw -4l-4w+8=0, so (l4)(w4)=8.(l-4)(w-4)=8. This yields that (l,w)=(5,12),(l,w) = (5,12), (6,8),(6,8), or some permutation of it. Thus, lw=48lw = 48 or 60.60.

Therefore, the largest number of brownies is 60.60.

Thus, the answer is D.


Let N=343463270.N = 34 \cdot 34 \cdot 63 \cdot 270. What is the ratio of the sum of the odd divisors of NN to the sum of the even divisors of N?N?

1:16 1 : 16

1:15 1 : 15

1:14 1 : 14

1:8 1 : 8

1:3 1 : 3

Answer: C

Using prime factorization, we get N=233557172.N =2^3\cdot 3^5\cdot 5\cdot 7\cdot 17^2.

If we have an odd divisor xx of N,N, then 2x,4x,8x2x,4x,8x are divisors of N,N, which has a combined sum of 14x.14x. If we take the sum of every odd divisor, then the even divisors must have a sum which is 1414 times of the sum of the odd divisors.

Thus, the answer is C.


Let nn be a positive integer and dd be a digit such that the value of the numeral 32d\underline{32d} in base nn equals 263,263, and the value of the numeral 324\underline{324} in base nn equals the value of the numeral 11d1\underline{11d1} in base six. What is n+d?n + d ?

10 10

11 11

13 13

15 15

16 16

Answer: B

The first statement means 3n2+2n+d=263.3n^2 + 2n+d = 263.

Similarly, the second statement means 3n2+2n+43n^2 +2n +4 =63+62+6d+1= 6^3 +6^2 +6d+1 =253+6d.= 253 + 6d.

Subtracting these shows us that 4d=6d104-d = 6d-10 7d=147d = 14 d=2.d=2. Therefore, 3n2+2n+2=263,3n^2 + 2n + 2 = 263, so n(3n+2)=261.n(3n+2) = 261.

This implies n=9.n=9. Therefore, n+d=11.n+d = 11.

Thus, the answer is B.


Three equally spaced parallel lines intersect a circle, creating three chords of lengths 38,38,38,38, and 34.34. What is the distance between two adjacent parallel lines?

512 5\frac12

6 6

612 6\frac12

7 7

712 7\frac12

Answer: B

Consider the following diagram:

Let the radius be r.r. Then, we can make the distance between two chords be 2d.2d. The two chords of length 3838 are equidistant from the center, so the distance from the center to the other chord is 3d.3d. Thus, r2+192=(3r)2+172    r^2 +19^2 = (3r)^2 +17^2 \implies 192172=8d2,19^2-17^2 = 8d^2, so 8d2=72.8d^2 = 72. Therefore, 2d=6.2d=6.

Thus, the answer is B.


The real number xx satisfies the equation x+1x=5.x+\frac{1}{x} = \sqrt{5}. What is the value of x117x7+x3?x^{11}-7x^{7}+x^3?

1 -1

0 0

1 1

2 2

5 \sqrt{5}

Answer: B

Since x+1x=5,x+\frac{1}{x} = \sqrt{5}, squaring yields x2+2+1x2=5x^2 + 2 + \frac 1{x^2} = 5 x2+1x2=3.x^2 + \frac 1{x^2} = 3. Squaring again yields x4+2+1x4=9x^4 + 2 + \frac 1{x^4} = 9 x47+1x4=0.x^4 -7 + \frac 1{x^4} = 0. Multiplying by x7x^7 yields x117x7+x3=0.x^{11}-7x^{7}+x^3=0.

Thus, the answer is B.


Call a positive integer an uphill integer if every digit is strictly greater than the previous digit. For example, 1357,89,1357, 89, and 55 are all uphill integers, but 32,1240,32, 1240, and 466466 are not. How many uphill integers are divisible by 15?15?

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

Answer: C

If a number is divisible by 15,15, it has a units digit of 00 or 5.5. If the units digit is 00 and the digits are strictly increasing, then the number is 0,0, which isn't positive. Therefore, we can just look at numbers with a units digit of 5.5.

Next, we need to find uphill integers that are a multiple of 3.3. This means the other digits are a subset of {1,2,3,4}.\{1,2,3,4\}. Taking the sum of the set must have a remainder of 11 when divided by 3.3. Also, having or taking out 33 wouldn't affect the remainder, so we can take the number of subsets without a 33 and multiply it by 2.2. There are only 33 such subsets, namely {1},{4},\{1\}, \{4\}, and {1,2,4}.\{1,2,4\}. Thus, there are 66 total subsets.

Thus, the correct answer is C.


Ravon, Oscar, Aditi, Tyrone, and Kim play a card game. Each person is given 22 cards out of a set of 1010 cards numbered 1,2,3,,10.1,2,3, \dots,10. The score of a player is the sum of the numbers of their cards. The scores of the players are as follows: Ravon--11,11, Oscar--4,4, Aditi--7,7, Tyrone--16,16, Kim--17.17. Which of the following statements is true?

Ravon was given card 3.

Aditi was given card 3.

Ravon was given card 4.

Aditi was given card 4.

Tyrone was given card 7.

Answer: C

If there are 22 cards for Oscar that add up to 4,4, he must have both 11 and 3.3. This eliminates choices A and B.

If there are 22 cards for Aditi that add up to 7,7, he must have both 22 and 55 so she doesn't have 11 and 3.3.

If someone has 4,4, their sum must be equal to or under 1414 since the other number must be under or equal to 10.10. Thus, Ravon must have the 44 and 7,7, making C true and D and E false.

Thus, the answer is C.


A fair 66-sided die is repeatedly rolled until an odd number appears. What is the probability that every even number appears at least once before the first occurrence of an odd number?

1120 \dfrac{1}{120}

132 \dfrac{1}{32}

120 \dfrac{1}{20}

320 \dfrac{3}{20}

16 \dfrac{1}{6}

Answer: C

The probability that the first number is even is 36.\frac 36.

The probability that the second distinct number is even is 25.\frac 25.

The probability that the third distinct number is even is 14.\frac 14.

The combined probability is 321654=120.\dfrac{3\cdot 2\cdot 1}{6\cdot 5\cdot 4} = \dfrac 1{20}.

Thus, the answer is C.


Suppose that SS is a finite set of positive integers.

If the greatest integer in SS is removed from S,S, then the average value (arithmetic mean) of the integers remaining is 32.32. If the least integer in SS is also removed, then the average value of the integers remaining is 35.35. If the greatest integer is then returned to the set, the average value of the integers rises to 40.40. The greatest integer in the original set SS is 7272 greater than the least integer in S.S.

What is the average value of all the integers in the set S?S?

36.2 36.2

36.4 36.4

36.6 36.6

36.8 36.8

37 37

Answer: D

Let the sum of all the integers be s,s, the greatest number be g,g, the least number be l,l, and the size of SS be n.n.

From the info given, we know sln1=40\dfrac{s-l}{n-1} = 40sgn1=32.\dfrac{s-g}{n-1} = 32. Subtracting these yields gln1=8.\dfrac{g-l}{n-1} = 8. Since we know gl=72,g-l=72, we know 72n1=8,\frac{72}{n-1} =8, so n=10.n=10.

We also know sgln2=35,\dfrac{s-g-l}{n-2} = 35, so sgl=835s-g-l = 8\cdot 35=280.=280. Since sln1=40,\dfrac{s-l}{n-1} = 40, we knowsl=360.s-l = 360. This makes g=80.g=80. Using g=l+72,g=l+72, we get l=8.l=8. Thus, s=368.s=368.

The average is sn=36810\dfrac sn = \dfrac{368}{10} =36.8.= 36.8.

Thus, the answer is D.


The figure is constructed from 1111 line segments, each of which has length 2.2. The area of pentagon ABCDEABCDE can be written as m+n,\sqrt{m} + \sqrt{n}, where mm and nn are positive integers. What is m+n?m + n ?

20 20

21 21

22 22

23 23

24 24

Answer: D

First, we can find the length of ACAC and AD.AD. Since the altitude of an equilateral triangle of side length 22 is 3,\sqrt 3, we know AC=AD=23=12.AC =AD = 2\sqrt 3 = \sqrt{12} . Note that the area of an equilateral triangle with side length 22 has area 3.\sqrt 3. This means that ABCABC and AEDAED combined have an area of 23=122\sqrt 3 = \sqrt{12} since they are 44 halves of an equilateral triangle.

The rest of the area is ACD.ACD. Since AC=AD=2AC=AD = \sqrt 2 and CD=2,CD=2, the altitude from AA to CDCD is (12)2(22)2=11\sqrt{(\sqrt{12})^2 - \left(\dfrac 22\right)^2} = \sqrt{11} as it is an equilateral triangle. Since the height is 11\sqrt{11} and the base is 2,2, the area is 2112=11.\frac{2 \cdot \sqrt{11}}2 = \sqrt{11}. Thus, the total area is 12+11.\sqrt{12} + \sqrt{11}. Therefore, m+n=23.m+n = 23.

Thus, the answer is D.


A square piece of paper has side length 11 and vertices A,B,C,A,B,C, and DD in that order. As shown in the figure, the paper is folded so that vertex CC meets edge AD\overline{AD} at point C,C', and edge BC\overline{BC} intersects edge AB\overline{AB} at point E.E. Suppose that CD=13.C'D = \frac{1}{3}. What is the perimeter of triangle AEC?\bigtriangleup AEC' ?

2 2

1+233 1+\dfrac{2}{3}\sqrt{3}

136 \dfrac{13}{6}

1+343 1 + \dfrac{3}{4}\sqrt{3}

73 \dfrac{7}{3}

Answer: A

Consider the following diagram, which is identical to the one in the problem, only with all the points labelled.

Since FCE=90,\angle FC'E = 90^\circ, we know FCD=90ECA.\angle FC'D = 90^\circ - EC'A.

Since CAE=90,\angle C'AE = 90^\circ, we know CEA=90ECA=FCD.\angle C'EA = 90^\circ - EC'A = \angle FC'D. Therefore, by angle angle similarity, we know ACEDFC.AC'E \sim DFC'. Therefore, the perimeter of AECAEC' is equal to the area of DFCDFC' times ACDF.\dfrac{AC'}{DF}.

Since CF+FD=1,C'F +FD = 1, the perimeter of DFCDFC' is 13+1=43.\dfrac 13 + 1 = \dfrac 43. Also, AC=1DCAC' = 1- DC' =113= 1- \dfrac 13 =23.= \dfrac 23. There, the perimeter of AECAEC' can be simplified to 4323DF=89DF.\dfrac 43 \cdot \dfrac{\frac 23}{DF} = \dfrac 8{9\cdot DF}. By the Pythagorean theorem on DFC,DFC', we know (CD)2+(DF)2=(CF)2(C'D)^2 + (DF)^2 = (C'F)^2 =(1DF)2.= (1-DF)^2.

This means 132+DF2=12DF+DF2\dfrac 13^2 + DF^2 = 1- 2DF +DF^2 so 12DF=19.1- 2DF=\dfrac 19. Therefore, DF=49.DF = \dfrac 49.

This means the area is 8949=84\dfrac{8}{9\cdot \frac 49} = \dfrac 84 =2.= 2.

Thus, the answer is A.


Ang, Ben, and Jasmin each have 55 blocks, colored red, blue, yellow, white, and green; and there are 55 empty boxes. Each of the people randomly and independently of the other two people places one of their blocks into each box. The probability that at least one box receives 33 blocks all of the same color is mn,\frac{m}{n}, where mm and nn are relatively prime positive integers. What is m+n?m + n ?

47 47

94 94

227 227

471 471

542 542

Answer: D

First, by WLOG, we can index the boxes by how Ang put his blocks in the boxes. Then, we can count the total number of ways to place all of Ben and Jasmin's blocks. This has a total of (5!)2(5!)^2 ways it can be done.

Now, we find the total number of configurations that have at least one box that have the same color. We can do this with the principle of inclusion exclusion.

First, we get that there are (51)(4!)2\binom{5}{1} \cdot (4!)^2 distributions as there are (51)\binom{5}{1} ways to choose the box that has 33 of the same color, and there are 4!4! ways to choose the ordering for the other two boxes. However, this overcounts the number of configurations with 2 boxes that have 3 of the same block.

That would be counted as (52)(3!)2\binom{5}{2} \cdot (3!)^2 for similar reasons to above.

This also over counts the number of configurations with 3 boxes that are all the same color, so we add those back. We keep adding and removing configurations that are over and undercounted.

This leads to our number of configurations being 1(5!)2((51)(4!)2+(52)(3!)2\dfrac{1}{{(5!)^2}}\left(\binom{5}{1} \cdot (4!)^2+\binom{5}{2} \cdot (3!)^2\right. +(53)(2!)2+(54)(1!)2+\binom{5}{3} \cdot (2!)^2+\binom{5}{4} \cdot (1!)^2 +(55)(0!)2),\left. +\binom{5}{5} \cdot (0!)^2\right), which is equal to 225614400=6393600\frac{2256}{14400} = \frac{639}{3600} =71400.= \frac{71}{400} . This makes m+n=471.m+n=471.

Thus, the answer is D.


A square with side length 88 is colored a dark purple, except for 44 bright isosceles right triangular regions with legs of length 22 in each corner of the square and a bright diamond with side length 222\sqrt{2} in the center of the square, as shown in the diagram.

A circular coin with diameter 11 is dropped onto the square and lands in a random location where the coin is completely contained within the square. The probability that the coin will cover part of the darker region of the square can be written as 1196(a+b2+π),\frac{1}{196}\left(a+b\sqrt{2}+\pi\right), where aa and bb are positive integers. What is a+b?a+b?

64 64

66 66

68 68

70 70

72 72

Answer: C

The radius of the circle is 12.\frac 12. This makes the total possible region for the circle's center to be in a square of length 81212=7.8 - \frac 12 - \frac 12 = 7. Shown below is the region in which the circle can be.

Now, the circle's center must be inside the black region or within 12\frac 12 of the black region.

For each of the corner, we can take a right triangle for this region. Now, we can find the altitude to the hypotenuse. This would be useful to find the as the area of a right triangle is equal to the altitude times the hypotenuse divided by 2,2, and the hypotenuse is twice the altitude, making the area equal to the altitude squared.

The altitude of this region is equal to the altitude of the portion of the right triangle in the black region and the blue region plus 12.\frac 12. When finding the portion of the black right triangle in the blue region, we get a right triangle with length 21212=1.2-\frac 12 - \frac 12 = 1. This has an altitude of 22.\frac{\sqrt 2}2 . The total altitude therefore is 2+12.\frac{\sqrt 2 + 1}2. Thus, the answer is (2+12)2=3+224.(\dfrac{\sqrt 2 + 1}2)^2 = \dfrac{3+2\sqrt 2}4. There are 44 corners, so the combined area of the right triangles is 3+22.3+ 2\sqrt 2.

For the center square, we find the area within it, the area that is within 12\frac 12 of the edge, and within 12\frac 12 of the corners. The area in the square is (22)2=8.(2\sqrt 2)^2 = 8. The area within the 12\frac 12 of the edges is 1222=2\frac 12 \cdot 2\sqrt 2 = \sqrt 2 since its a rectangle of with lengths 12\frac 12 and 22.2\sqrt 2. The total area from this is 42.4\sqrt 2. The area within 12\frac 12 of the points are 4 quarter circles of radius 12,\frac 12, so their combined area is π4.\frac \pi 4 . The total area is 3+22+9+42+π43+ 2\sqrt 2 + 9 + 4\sqrt 2 + \frac \pi 4 =8+62+π4.=8 + 6\sqrt 2 + \frac \pi 4.

The probability is 11+62+π449\dfrac{11 + 6\sqrt 2 + \frac \pi 4} {49} =44+242+π196.=\dfrac{44 + 24\sqrt 2 + \pi } {196}. This makes the answer 44+24=68.44+24=68.

Thus, the answer is C.


Arjun and Beth play a game in which they take turns removing one brick or two adjacent bricks from one "wall" among a set of several walls of bricks, with gaps possibly creating new walls. The walls are one brick tall. For example, a set of walls of sizes 44 and 22 can be changed into any of the following by one move: (3,2),(2,1,2),(4),(4,1),(2,2),(3,2),(2,1,2),(4),(4,1),(2,2), or (1,1,2).(1,1,2).

Arjun plays first, and the player who removes the last brick wins. For which starting configuration is there a strategy that guarantees a win for Beth?

(6,1,1) (6,1,1)

(6,2,1) (6,2,1)

(6,2,2) (6,2,2)

(6,3,1) (6,3,1)

(6,3,2) (6,3,2)

Answer: B

If Arjun can force the walls to have symmetry after his turn, in whichevery wall has matching wall of the same size, then he can always copy Beth's move on the matching wall. I claim that Arjun can do this with the setups from choices A,C,D, and E.

With A, Arjun can split it into (2,2,1,1)(2,2,1,1) which is symmetric.

With C, Arjun can split it into (2,2,2,2)(2,2,2,2) which is symmetric.

With D, Arjun can split it into (3,2,3,2)(3,2,3,2) which is symmetric.

With E, Arjun can split it into (3,2,3,2)(3,2,3,2) which is symmetric.

This leaves just B as a possible answer. Now we must prove it works. With (6,2,1),(6,2,1), Arjun can make (6,2),(6,1),(6,1,1),(5,2,1),(6,2),(6,1),(6,1,1),(5,2,1), (4,2,1),(4,2,1,1),(3,2,1,1),(4,2,1),(4,2,1,1),(3,2,1,1), (2,2,2,1),(3,1,2,1).(2,2,2,1),(3,1,2,1). If given the last seven configurations by Arjun, Beth can make it symmetric by turning it into (2,2,1,1),(2,2,1,1), which is a winning situtation for her since it is symmetric. Thus, we must now verify that (6,1)(6,1) and (6,2)(6,2) are winning for her. Both of these lead to (3,2,1),(3,2,1), so it suffices to prove that (3,2,1)(3,2,1) is winning for Beth when given to Arjun.

With (3,2,1),(3,2,1), Arjun can make (3,2),(3,1),(3,1,1),(3,2),(3,1),(3,1,1),(2,2,1),(1,2,1).(2,2,1),(1,2,1). Each can be made symmetric by Beth in the following ways:

(3,2)    (2,2)(3,2) \implies (2,2)

(3,1)    (1,1)(3,1) \implies (1,1)

(3,1,1)    (1,1,1,1)(3,1,1) \implies (1,1,1,1)

(2,2,1)    (2,2)(2,2,1) \implies (2,2)

(1,2,1)    (1,1)(1,2,1) \implies (1,1)

This makes Beth have a winning strategy with (6,2,1).(6,2,1).

Thus, the answer is B.


Let SS be the set of lattice points in the coordinate plane, both of whose coordinates are integers between 11 and 30,30, inclusive. Exactly 300300 points in SS lie on or below a line with equation y=mx.y=mx. The possible values of mm lie in an interval of length ab,\frac ab, where aa and bb are relatively prime positive integers. What is a+b?a+b?

31 31

47 47

62 62

72 72

85 85

Answer: E

First, lets create a way to find the number of lattice points under (31,y),(31,y), if yy is relatively prime with 31.31. With (0,0)(0,0) and (31,y),(31,y), we can make a rectangle with 32(y+1)32(y+1) points. There are 32(y+1)232(y+1)-2 points not on the diagonal, and half of them are under the line. Also, there are yy points under the line that aren't in SS since their x-coordinate is 3131 and 3030 other points that aren't in SS since their y-coordinate is 0.0. Therefore, if the line goes through (31,y),(31,y), then the total number of points is 32(y+1)22y30\dfrac{32(y+1)-2}2 - y - 30=15(y1).= 15(y-1). If y=21,y=21, then there are 300300 points in S,S, making m=2131m = \frac{21}{31} in the interval.

Also, notice that the number of lattice points is equal to i=130mx.\sum_{i=1}^{30} \lfloor mx \rfloor. As mm increases, each term stays constant or increases. Since m=2131m = \frac{21}{31} is in the interval, the lower bound can be found by finding the largest m2131m \leq \frac{21}{31} such that at least one term increases as mm increases.

If a number was ab\frac{a}{b} and b30,ab>23,b \leq 30, \frac ab > 23, then ab=2x+13x+1\dfrac ab = \dfrac{2x+1}{3x+1} if b=3x+1,b = 3x+1, ab=2x+23x+2 \dfrac ab = \dfrac{2x+2}{3x+2} if b=3x+2,b = 3x+2, or ab=2x+33x+3\dfrac ab = \dfrac{2x+3}{3x+3} if b=3x+3.b = 3x+3. These would all be greater than 2131.\frac {21}{31} .

Therefore, 23\frac 23 must be the lower bound. Also, we now know that the fractions from above are the possible upper bounds. Furthermore, a greater xx would create a smaller interval, so we need to just look at the interval being 1928,2029,2130.\dfrac{19}{28}, \dfrac{20}{29}, \dfrac{21}{30} . The least of these is 1928,\frac{19}{28}, so the interval is of length 192823=184.\dfrac {19}{28} - \dfrac 23 = \dfrac 1{84} . This makes our answer 85.85.

Thus, the correct answer is E.