2017 AMC 10B Exam Problems

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Used with permission of the Mathematical Association of America.

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Mary thought of a positive two-digit number. She multiplied it by 33 and added 11.11. Then she switched the digits of the result, obtaining a number between 7171 and 75,75, inclusive. What was Mary's number?






Answer: B

We know that her number was between 7171 and 75,75, so the units digit is between 11 and 5,5, and the tens digit is 7.7.

Now, we have to reverse the order of the operations. After reversing, we get the tens digit to be between 11 and 55 and the tens digit to be 7.7.

Then, subtracting 1111 subtracts 11 from the units digit and the tens digit, giving us a number where the tens digit is between 00 and 44 and the units digit is 6.6. This must be a multiple of 3,3, so we can only have 36.36. Dividing this by 33 yields 12.12.

Thus, the correct answer is B.


Sofia ran 55 laps around the 400400-meter track at her school. For each lap, she ran the first 100100 meters at an average speed of 44 meters per second and the remaining 300300 meters at an average speed of 55 meters per second. How much time did Sofia take running the 55 laps?

55 minutes and 3535 seconds

66 minutes and 4040 seconds

77 minutes and 55 seconds

77 minutes and 2525 seconds

88 minutes and 1010 seconds

Answer: C

She ran a total of 5100=5005\cdot 100=500 meters at 44 meters per second and 5300=15005\cdot 300=1500 meters at 55 meters per second.

Therefore, her time is 5004+15005=425\frac{500}4 + \frac{1500}5 = 425 seconds.

This is equal to a total of 77 minutes and 55 seconds.

Thus, the correct answer is C.


Real numbers x,x, y,y, and zz satisfy the inequalities 0<x<1,0 < x < 1, 1<y<0,-1 < y < 0, and 1<z<2.1 < z < 2.

Which of the following numbers is necessarily positive?






Answer: E

Since 1<y-1 < y and 1<z,1 < z, we can add the inequalities to see that 0<y+z.0 < y+z. This naturally proves choice E correct.

Furthermore, we can eliminate every other choice with the following values: x=0.1,x=0.1,y=0.25,y=-0.25,x=1.25.x=1.25.

Thus, the correct answer is E.


Supposed that xx and yy are nonzero real numbers such that 3x+yx3y=2.\frac{3x+y}{x-3y}=-2. What is the value of x+3y3xy?\frac{x+3y}{3x-y}?






Answer: D

Given that 3x+yx3y=2,\frac{3x+y}{x-3y}=-2, we can multiply by the denominator to get 3x+y=6y2x.3x+y = 6y-2x. Solving, we can see that x=y.x=y.

Therefore, x+3y3xy=x+3x3xx=2.\frac{x+3y}{3x-y} = \frac{x+3x}{3x-x}=2.

Thus, the correct answer is D.


Camilla had twice as many blueberry jelly beans as cherry jelly beans. After eating 10 pieces of each kind, she now has three times as many blueberry jelly beans as cherry jelly beans. How many blueberry jelly beans did she originally have?






Answer: D

Let the number of cherry jelly beans be cc and let the number of blueberry jelly beans be bb

Then, we know b=2cb = 2cb10=3(c10)b-10=3(c-10) from the first and second statments respectively.

Therefore, 2c10=3c302c-10 = 3c-30c=20.c=20. This means that b=220=40.b = 2\cdot 20=40.

Thus, the correct answer is D.


What is the largest number of solid 2in×2in×1in2\text{in} \times 2\text{in} \times 1\text{in} blocks that can fit in a 3in×2in×3in3\text{in} \times 2\text{in}\times 3\text{in} box?






Answer: B

The volume of the large solid object is 332=183\cdot 3\cdot 2 = 18 and volume of the smaller object is 221=4.2\cdot 2\cdot 1=4. This means we can fit at most 44 of the small objects.

We can make this happen by putting 33 of the small objects in a 3×2×23 \times 2 \times 2 rectangular prism, and then we have a 3×2×13 \times 2 \times 1 space left where we can place one small object.

Thus, the correct answer is B.


Samia set off on her bicycle to visit her friend, traveling at an average speed of 1717 kilometers per hour. When she had gone half the distance to her friend's house, a tire went flat, and she walked the rest of the way at 55 kilometers per hour.

In all, it took her 4444 minutes to reach her friend's house. In kilometers rounded to the nearest tenth, how far did Samia walk?






Answer: C

Let the distance she walked be d.d. Since this is the same as the amount she biked, represented as s,s, we know that d=s.d=s.

Furthermore, let the time she walked (in hours) be t.t. Therefore, the amount of time she biked is 4460t.\dfrac{44}{60}-t.

Now, using the definition of speed, we can see that 5=st5 = \frac st17=s4460t 17 = \dfrac s{\frac{44}{60}-t} This implies that: s=5t=17(4460t)s=5t = 17\left(\frac{44}{60}-t\right) so 22t=17446022t = \frac{17\cdot 44}{60} Therefore, t=1730t = \frac{17}{30} Since s=5t,s=5t, we have s=51730=176s = 5\cdot \frac{17}{30} = \frac{17}{6} which approximates to

Thus, the correct answer is C.


Points A(11,9)A(11, 9) and B(2,3)B(2, -3) are vertices of ABC\triangle ABC with AB=AC.AB=AC. The altitude from AA meets the opposite side at D(1,3).D(-1, 3). What are the coordinates of point C?C?

(8,9)(-8, 9)

(4,8)(-4, 8)

(4,9)(-4, 9)

(2,3)(-2, 3)

(1,0)(-1, 0)

Answer: C

Since the triangle ABCABC is isoceles, the altitude from AA is the midpoint of the other two sides. Therefore, DD is the midpoint between BB and C.C. If C=(x,y),C=(x,y), then we have x+22=1,\frac{x+2}2 = -1,y32=3.\frac{y-3}2=3. As such, C=(x,y)=(4,9).C=(x,y)=(-4,9).

Thus, the correct answer is C.


A radio program has a quiz consisting of 33 multiple-choice questions, each with 33 choices. A contestant wins if he or she gets 22 or more of the questions right. The contestant answers randomly to each question. What is the probability of winning?






Answer: D

The probability that a contestant gets all 33 correct is 133=127.\frac 13^3 = \frac 1{27}. The probability that a contestant gets exactly 22 is 13223(32)=627.\frac 13^2\cdot \frac 23 \cdot \binom {3}{2} = \frac 6{27}. The combined probability is 627+127=727.\frac{6}{27} + \frac 1{27} = \frac {7}{27}.

Thus, the correct answer is D.


The lines with equations ax2y=cax-2y=c and 2x+by=c2x+by=-c are perpendicular and intersect at (1,5).(1, -5). What is c?c?

13 -13

8 -8

2 2

8 8

13 13

Answer: E

The first equation can be rewritten as y=a2xc2.y = \frac a2x - \frac c2. Similarly, the second equation can be rewritten as y=2bxcb.y = -\frac 2bx - \frac cb. Since they are perpendicular, we know the slopes multiply to 1.-1.

Therefore, a2(2b)=1.\frac a2 \cdot \left(-\frac 2b\right) = -1. This means a=b,a=b, which implies that 2x+ay=c.2x+ay=-c. We can add this with the first equation to get 2x+ay+ax2y=0.2x+ay+ax-2y=0. Plugging in (x,y)=(1,5)(x,y)=(1,-5) yields 21+a5a2(5)=0.2\cdot 1+a-5a-2\cdot (-5)=0. This makes 2(6)=4a2\cdot (6)=4aa=3.a=3.

Therefore, c=3x2y=312(5)=13.\begin{align*}c&=3x-2y\\&=3\cdot 1-2\cdot (-5)\\&=13.\end{align*}

Thus, the correct answer is E.


At Typico High School, 60%60\% of the students like dancing, and the rest dislike it. Of those who like dancing, 80%80\% say that they like it, and the rest say that they dislike it. Of those who dislike dancing, 90%90\% say that they dislike it, and the rest say that they like it. What fraction of students who say they dislike dancing actually like it?






Answer: D

Observe that of the 60%60\% of people that actually like dancing, only 80%80\% say they like dancing. This suggests that 48%48\% of the students say that they like dancing, and as such, 60%48%=12%60\%-48\% = 12\% of the students who like dancing say they don't like it.

Then, we know that 90%90\% of the 40%40\% of people who don't like dancing say they don't like it, which is 36%36\% of the total student population.

This means the total amount of people who say they don't like dancing is 12%+36%=48%.12\%+36\% = 48\%.

We know then that the fraction of people who say they dislike dancing but actually like it is equal to: 1248=14=25%.\frac{12}{48} = \frac 14 = 25\% .

Thus, the correct answer is D.


Elmer's new car gives 50%50\% percent better fuel efficiency, measured in kilometers per liter, than his old car. However, his new car uses diesel fuel, which is 20%20\% more expensive per liter than the gasoline his old car used. By what percent will Elmer save money if he uses his new car instead of his old car for a long trip?

20% 20\%

2623% 26\tfrac23\%

2779% 27\tfrac79\%

3313% 33\tfrac13\%

6623% 66\tfrac23\%

Answer: A

Every liter can get 1.51.5 times as many kilometers per liter. This is the same thing as saying she needs 23\frac 23 as many liters as per kilometer. However, each liter will cost 1.21.2 times as many dollars as before.

We need to find the change in dollars over kilometer for the change in cost for the trip. We can see that the change is 1.21.2 dollars per liter times 23\frac 23 liters per kilometer. Solving this, we have 1.223=451.2\cdot \frac 23 =\frac 45 of the cost.

He therefore saves 15\frac 15 of the total cost. As such, the savings is 20%.20 \%.

Thus, the correct answer is A.


There are 2020 students participating in an after-school program offering classes in yoga, bridge, and painting. Each student must take at least one of these three classes, but may take two or all three.

There are 1010 students taking yoga, 1313 taking bridge, and 99 taking painting. There are 99 students taking at least two classes. How many students are taking all three classes?






Answer: C

The number of classes taken total is 10+13+9=32.10+13+9=32.

Let xx represent the number of people who take 1,1, let yy represent the number of people who take 22 classes, and let zz represent the number of people who take 33 classes.

Then, we know x+2y+3z=32.x+2y+3z = 32.

As such, the total number of people is 20,20, so x+y+z=20.x+y+z = 20. This makes y+2z=12.y+2z=12.

The number of people who take at least two classes is 9,9, so y+z=9.y+z = 9.

Therefore, z=3,z=3, making that the answer.

Thus, the correct answer is C.


An integer NN is selected at random in the range 1N20201\leq N \leq 2020 . What is the probability that the remainder when N16N^{16} is divided by 55 is 1?1?

15 \dfrac{1}{5}

25 \dfrac{2}{5}

35 \dfrac{3}{5}

45 \dfrac{4}{5}

1 1

Answer: D

By Fermat's Little Theorem, we know that ap11modpa^{p-1} \equiv 1 \mod p if aa and pp are relatively prime.

Therefore, a41mod5,a^4 \equiv 1 \mod 5, which makes: a16(a4)41mod5a^{16} \equiv (a^4)^4 \equiv 1 \mod 5 if aa and 55 are relatively prime.

Since 55 is a prime, they are relatively prime if aa isn't a multiple of 5.5. There are 20205=404\frac{2020} 5 =404 multiples of of 5,5, so there are 16161616 non-multiples of 5.5.

All multiples of 5,5, when taken to the 16th16^{th} power, have a remainder of 00 when divided by 55 so they aren't included. Thus, there are exactly 16161616 of 20202020 numbers that work. This makes the probability 16162020=45.\frac{1616}{2020} = \frac 45.

Thus, the correct answer is D.


Rectangle ABCDABCD has AB=3AB=3 and BC=4.BC=4. Point EE is the foot of the perpendicular from BB to diagonal AC.\overline{AC}. What is the area of AED?\triangle AED?

1 1

4225 \dfrac{42}{25}

2815 \dfrac{28}{15}

2 2

5425 \dfrac{54}{25}

Answer: E

Consider the figure:

The area of EADEAD is equal to the area of CDACDA multiplied by EAAC\dfrac{EA}{AC} since it has the same altitude and the base has the same line.

The area of CDA=342=6.CDA = \dfrac{3\cdot 4}2=6. Also, by the Pythagorean Theorem, we get CA2=CB2+BA2=42+22=25CA=5\begin{align*}CA^2 &= CB^2 + BA^2 \\&= 4^2+2^2 \\&= 25\\ CA&=5\end{align*} Next, EBABCA,EBA \sim BCA , so EAAB=BACA=53.\dfrac{EA}{AB} = \dfrac{BA}{CA} = \dfrac 53. Therefore, AECA=352=925.\dfrac {AE}{CA} = \dfrac 35^2 = \dfrac{9}{25}. As such, the answer is 9256=5425.\frac{9}{25}\cdot 6 = \frac{54}{25} .

Thus, the correct answer is E.


How many of the base-ten numerals for the positive integers less than or equal to 20172017 contain the digit 0?0?






Answer: A

For numbers less than 100,100, we only have a 00 if its a multiple of 10,10, of which there are 9.9.

For numbers between 100100 and 999999 inclusive, we will use complementary counting. There are 900900 total numbers in this range. Also, there are 999=7299\cdot 9\cdot 9=729 numbers in this range with no 00 since there are 99 ways to choose each digit to not be 0.0. Thus, the total in this range is 171.171.

For numbers between 10001000 and 19991999 inclusive, we will use complementary counting again. There are 10001000 total numbers in this range. Also, there are 1999=7291\cdot 9\cdot 9\cdot 9=729 numbers in this range with no 00 since there are 99 ways to choose each of the last 33 digits to not be 00 and the first digit must be 1.1. Thus, the total in this range is 271.271.

There are 1818 numbers between 20002000 and 20172017 inclusive, each with a 00 in the second digit from the left.

This makes the total 9+171+271+18=469.9+171+271+18=469.

Thus, the correct answer is A.


Call a positive integer monotonous if it is a one-digit number or its digits, when read from left to right, form either a strictly increasing or a strictly decreasing sequence. For example, 3,3, 23578,23578, and 987620987620 are monotonous, but 88,88, 7434,7434, and 2355723557 are not. How many monotonous positive integers are there?






Answer: B

For each unique non-empty subset of S={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},S=\{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9\}, we can make a unique monotonous ascending number by taking the numbers in the subset and putting them in ascending order. There are 291=5112^9-1=511 of them.

For each unique non-empty subset of S,S, we can make a unique monotonous descending number by taking the numbers in the subset and putting them in descending order. There are 2101=10232^{10}-1=1023 of them. However, we must remove the subset {0},\{0\}, which is one case. This yields 10221022 cases.

We also must take out the intersection. This would be each of the 99 one digit numbers.

Therefore, the total is 1022+5119=1524.1022+511-9=1524.

Thus, the correct answer is B.


In the figure below, 33 of the 66 disks are to be painted blue, 22 are to be painted red, and 11 is to be painted green. Two paintings that can be obtained from one another by a rotation or a reflection of the entire figure are considered the same. How many different paintings are possible?






Answer: D

We first will calculate the number of ways when the green is at the top. This is rotationally symmetric with every other corner, so we wouldn't have to count those again. Then, we can multiply our count by 22 since the number of cases when the green is in the inner 33 disks is the same as if we made each corner an edge and each edge piece a corner.

Suppose the green is on the top. Then, there are (52)=10\binom{5}{2}=10 places to put the two reds, of which 22 are symmetric. Thus, the number of non symmetric configurations are 12(102)=4\frac12 \cdot (10-2)=4 after dividing by 22 to remove the duplicates, and 4+2=64+2=6 when putting those cases back.

This makes the total 62=12.6\cdot 2=12.

Thus, the correct answer is D.


Let ABCABC be an equilateral triangle. Extend side AB\overline{AB} beyond BB to a point BB' so that BB=3AB.BB'=3 \cdot AB. Similarly, extend side BC\overline{BC} beyond CC to a point CC' so that CC=3BC,CC'=3 \cdot BC, and extend side CA\overline{CA} beyond AA to a point AA' so that AA=3CA.AA'=3 \cdot CA.

What is the ratio of the area of ABC\triangle A'B'C' to the area of ABC?\triangle ABC?






Answer: E

We know that: [ABC]=[ABC]+[ABA]+[BCB]+[CAC].\begin{align*}[A'B'C'] =& [ABC]+ [A'B'A]\\ &+ [B'C'B] + [C'A'C] .\end{align*} The last three terms on the right hand side of the equation have the same area, so the area: [ABC]=[ABC]+3[ABA].[A'B'C']=[ABC]+3[A'B'A]. Therefore, to find the ratio in question, we need to find: [ABC]+3[ABA][ABC]\dfrac{[ABC]+3[A'B'A] }{[ABC]}=1+3[ABB][ABC].= 1+ 3\dfrac{[A'B'B]}{[ABC]}. Then, [ABB]=12AAAAsinAAB\begin{align*}[A'B'B] =& \frac12 A'A\cdot A'A \\&\cdot \sin A'AB' \end{align*} and [ABC]=12ABACsinBAC.[ABC] = \frac 12 AB\cdot AC \cdot \sin BAC. Since AAB\angle A'AB' and BAC\angle BAC are supplements, they have the same sine.

Therefore, [ABB][ABC]=AABAABAC.\dfrac{[A'B'B]}{[ABC]} = \dfrac{A'A \cdot B'A}{AB\cdot AC} . Then, AB=AB+BB=4AB,A'B = AB + BB' = 4AB, and AA=3AC.AA' = 3 AC . This makes [ABB][ABC]=43=12.\dfrac{[A'B'B]}{[ABC]} = 4\cdot 3 = 12. As such, the final ratio is 1+312=37.1+ 3\cdot 12 = 37.

Thus, the correct answer is E.


The number 21!=5.109101921!=5.109 \cdot 10^{19} has over 60,00060,000 positive integer divisors. One of them is chosen at random. What is the probability that it is odd?






Answer: B

Note that given any integer z,z, we can represent it as the product as its even and odd components as z=2cd.z=2^cd. This comes from the uniqueness of the prime factorization of integers, as we simply aggregate the odd and even primes (or in other words, 2,2, and everything else).

With this in mind, using the prime factorization of 21!,21!, the even part of such a representation is 218.2^{18}. As such, let 21!=218d,21! = 2^{18}d, making dd an odd divisor of 21!.21!.

This means every odd divisor of 21!21! is a divisor of d.d. For any odd divisor xx of d,d, we know 2kx2^kx is a divisor of 21!21! for 0k18.0 \leq k \leq 18. It is only odd for k=0,k=0, and as such, there are 1919 possible values of k.k.

As such, the total probability is 119.\dfrac{1}{19}.

Thus, the correct answer is B.


In ABC,\triangle ABC, AB=6,AB=6, AC=8,AC=8, BC=10,BC=10, and DD is the midpoint of BC.\overline{BC}. What is the sum of the radii of the circles inscribed in ADB\triangle ADB and ADC?\triangle ADC?






Answer: D

The triangle ABCABC is a right triangle with a right angle at A.A. This makes DD the circumcenter of the triangle since it is the midpoint of the hypotenuse.

Therefore, AD=BD=DC=5.AD = BD = DC = 5. Also, the area of ABCABC is 682=24.\dfrac{6\cdot 8}2 = 24.

Since BDBD and DCDC have the same altitude and base, the triangles ABDABD and ACDACD have the same area of 12.12.

Then, for each triangle, we have A=rsA = rs where AA is the area, rr is the inradius, and ss is the semiperimeter. This means 12=12rP12 = \frac12 {rP} for each triangle, where PP is the perimeter. Thus, we know that r=24P.r=\dfrac{24}P. We apply this fact for ABD,ABD, to see that r=245+5+6=32.r=\dfrac{24}{5+5+6} = \dfrac 32. Similarly, for ACD,ACD, it r=245+5+8=43.r=\dfrac{24}{5+5+8} = \dfrac 43.

Their sum is 32+43=176.\dfrac 32 + \dfrac 43 = \dfrac{17}6 .

Thus, the correct answer is D.


The diameter AB\overline{AB} of a circle of radius 22 is extended to a point DD outside the circle so that BD=3.BD=3. Point EE is chosen so that ED=5ED=5 and line EDED is perpendicular to line AD.AD. Segment AE\overline{AE} intersects the circle at a point CC between AA and E.E. What is the area of ABC?\triangle ABC?






Answer: D

Since the radius is 22 and BD=3,BD =3, we have AD=7.AD = 7. Since ED=5ED = 5 and the angle at DD is a right angle, the area of ADEADE is 572=352.\dfrac{5\cdot 7}{2} = \dfrac{35}{2} .

Also, the value of AEAE is 52+72=74\sqrt{5^2+7^2} = \sqrt{74} by the Pythagorean Theorem. Also, ACB\angle ACB is a right angle since ABAB is a diameter. Thus, by angle-angle symmetry, we have ACBADE.ACB \sim ADE.

This means the area of ABCABC is equal to the area of AEDAED times ABAE2=(474)2=837.\dfrac{AB}{AE}^2 = \left(\dfrac{4}{\sqrt{74}}\right)^2 = \dfrac{8}{37} . Then, we have an area of 837352=14037.\dfrac{8}{37} \cdot \dfrac{35}2 = \dfrac{140}{37} .

Thus, the correct answer is D.


Let N=1234567891011124344N=123456789101112\dots4344 be the 7979-digit number that is formed by writing the integers from 11 to 4444 in order, one after the other. What is the remainder when NN is divided by 45?45?






Answer: C

To find the remainder when divided by 45,45, we must find the remainder when divided by 55 and 9.9. The remainder when divided by 55 is the remainder when the units digit is divided by 5,5, making it 4.4.

To find the remainder when divided by 9,9, we usually find the sum of the digits. However, each double digit number has the same remainder when divided by 99 as its digit sum, so we can just take the sum of each of the numbers from 11 to 4444 as they would have the same remainder. The sum of the first 4444 digits is 45442\dfrac{45\cdot 44}2 which is a multiple of 9.9. Thus, NN is a multiple of 9.9.

Since it is a multiple of 99 and has a remainder of 44 when divided by 45,45, the remainder when divided by 4545 is 9.9.

Thus, the correct answer is C.


The vertices of an equilateral triangle lie on the hyperbola xy=1,xy=1, and a vertex of this hyperbola is the centroid of the triangle. What is the square of the area of the triangle?






Answer: C

Since the hyperbola is symmetric, without the loss of generality, we can have (1,1)(1,1) as our vertex. Then, since we have the centriod of an equilateral triangle, the angle at the centriod with any two points is 120.120^ \circ . The branch of the hyperbola with negative coordinates can make an angle of at most 90.90^\circ . This means that we can't have two points on the negative branch.

Since the hyperbola is symmetric over y=xy=x and it always decreases, the two points are reflected over y=x.y=x. Also, the altitude is on y=x,y=x, making the other point also on y=x.y=x. This makes the other point (1,1).(-1,-1). Thus, the circumradius is 222\sqrt 2 since it is the distance between the two points. This means we have 33 isoceles triangles with side lengths 222 \sqrt 2 and angle 120.120^\circ.

Therefore, the combined area is 3(22)2sin(120)23\cdot \dfrac{(2\sqrt 2)^2 \cdot \sin(120^ \circ)}2 =12sin(120)= 12 \sin(120^\circ)=1232= 12 \cdot \dfrac{\sqrt{3}}2 =108.=\sqrt{108} . This makes the square 108.108.

Thus, the correct answer is C.


Last year Isabella took 77 math tests and received 77 different scores, each an integer between 9191 and 100,100, inclusive. After each test she noticed that the average of her test scores was an integer. Her score on the seventh test was 95.95. What was her score on the sixth test?






Answer: E

The smallest possible average of the first 66 of them is 91+967=93.5.\dfrac{91+ \cdots 96}7 = 93.5.

The largest possible average of the first 66 of them is 95+1007=97.5.\dfrac{95+ \cdots 100}7 = 97.5. This makes the bounds of the average of the first 6 6 of them 9494 and 9797 inclusive.

Then, let the average of the first 66 of them be x.x. Then, the average of all of them is 6x+957,\dfrac{6x+95}7, making 6x+956x+95 a multiple of 7.7.

Therefore, 6x+950mod7.6x+95 \equiv 0 \mod 7. This means x4mod7.x \equiv 4\mod 7. The only possible value is x=95,x=95, making the sum of the first 66 of them 570.570.

Then, the sum of the first 55 is a multiple of 5,5, so the 6th score must also be a multiple of 55 since it is their difference. The only not used multiple of 55 is 100,100, making it the answer.

Thus, the correct answer is E.