LIVE 90: 数论工具
9月1日起,每周五下午8:00–9:30 (您所在地当地时间)
该模块直播课总计30小时,课时费约为(~$20/小时)。报名直播课将同时享受该模块对应录播课程(Pre-Recorded Course)一年有效,无限次回看。
* 该班次直播课上课标准时间为下午8:00,纽约时间。
16节日挑战课程(Day X Challenge),通过不同的数学问题学习新的知识内容
4节单元复习课程(Week X Challenge),集中解决单元测验中遇到的问题
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.
Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!
Worth everything and learned a lot
Helps you learn number theory. He includes many nifty tricks that help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Great job
I absolutly loved this course
This course is incredible! It taught me many, many tricks that I never knew! Very helpful!
Absolutely worth everything!!
Excellent course
Great explanation
LIVE在线直播课程每个模块包含【16次日挑战课程(第1课到第16课)+ 4次单元复习课(回顾单元测验Week Challenge 1到4)】共20节直播课程。学生将同时享受该模块对应录播课程(Pre-Recorded Course)一年有效。每四节日挑战直播课结束后将有一次单元考核测验,巩固前4节课学习到的知识内容,帮助学生进一步内化思考。学生需要在复习课前进入Pre-Recorded课程完成单元测验。
模10的余数、模算数、模算数的表示方法、n2 的余数、模加法、减法和乘法、模11的余数、负余数
整除 3 和 9 的规则、技巧及其应用详解、等差数列求和与平均值、三⻆数、模乘法
模99的余数、因数、除以9余1的数的规律、回文数字、1001 和1111的因数、负余数、模11的余数、等差数列
质数分解、因数数量、因数和、因数平均值、因数倒数和、因数积、111 的因数、因数分解、2的连续幂的积、等比数列
幂的余数、幂的余数圈、7的倍数末两位的规则、 7的倍数模4、幂的多次叠加
有限小数和其分数形式、无限循环小数、为什么 √2 是无理数、质数分解、逻辑技巧和方向、反证法

马里兰大学数学竞赛Honorable Mention • 喜欢小提琴和排球,也喜欢物理和写码

2020年俄亥俄州MATHCOUNTS州冠军, • 2022年和2023年均入选MOP(美国数学奥林匹克夏令营) • 麻省理工学院PRIMES Research Track