Excited math teacher getting ready to teach
Math teacher with writing on screen
Another math teacher with writing on screen
Professor Po-Shen Loh teaching math


LIVE Solve 2025年1月13日


Real Math Kangaroo problems

Solved live

With expert cohosts

Every 3 weeks

Leap Ahead

We're thrilled to officially collaborate with Math Kangaroo to run LIVE Solves every 3 weeks. We'll use a new technique we've pioneered to help middle school students learn to love challenging math. We equip brilliant and approachable high school students with the latest technology, transforming Zoom to become unrecognizably lively.

It's as if Instagram Live and Twitch got into education.

The twist: our live-streamers won't look at the problems beforehand. You'll get to see how expert solvers think on the spot.

Register Now

Registration is free. Limited to 2,000 people.

Click any button to register for our LIVE solve for that grade level of Math Kangaroo. Since different grade levels have different registration buttons, you can click several buttons to register for several sessions. The next sessions are at the following times (in your local time zone).

Grade 3–4
Next session on 2025年2月24日00:00
Grade 5–6
Next session on 2025年1月13日00:00
Grade 7–8
Next session on 2025年2月3日00:00

Each level's session repeats every 9 weeks. (There are 3 levels, and we run a Math Kangaroo LIVE Solve every 3 weeks.)

Next Event Details

Official Math Kangaroo LIVE Solve (Grade 5–6)

2025年1月13日00:00 (in your local time zone)

Eli Gold 的头像

3次入围AIME资格赛 • 美国数学人才搜索(USA Mathematical Talent Search)满分获得者 • 多次在国内外马林巴木琴在音乐比赛中获奖 • 爱好包括魔方、乒乓球、踢踏舞和国际象棋




基于竞赛数学这种新的学习方式,罗博深教授创建了完整的课程体系LIVE, by Po-Shen Loh。在LIVE的课堂,你会学到真正严谨的的数学。课堂呈现将生动的教学视频和能力非凡的高中生老师相结合,通过我们开发的改变 Zoom 体验的定制聊天技术,让孩子们体验前所未有的有趣课程,并通过这种方式学习来学习中学竞赛数学中的每个主题。


$1 试听课

体验100%真实互动的LIVE课堂——与两位LIVE Star老师一起,亲身感受学生成为主角的数学课程!我们鼓励每个孩子勇敢表达,分享自己的解题思路和看法,无需担心答案是否完美,老师们将帮助你发现并鼓励每次发言中的闪光点!通过锻炼数理思维和表达能力,告别似懂非懂和机械记忆,在深入思考中真正内化知识,形成新的脑神经连接,真正实现学习的价值!



不知道选择什么课程?别担心,我们的专业课程顾问将帮助您为孩子规划程度最匹配的学习方案。您可以关注微信公众号“罗博深数学”,添加课程咨询老师获得免费中文咨询服务。如果您不确定孩子目前的数学能力,或对课程还有更多问题,也欢迎随时通过 course-consulting@poshenloh.com 向我们发送电子邮件垂询,或点击下方按键,与我们的课程顾问预约一对一免费电话咨询:
