2022 AMC 8 考试题目

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Used with permission of the Mathematical Association of America.




The Math Team designed a logo shaped like a multiplication symbol, shown below on a grid of 1-inch squares. What is the area of the logo in square inches?






Answer: A

Let's first consider the following:

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we know how to solve for xx relatively easily: a2+b2=c2    12+12=x2a^2+b^2=c^2 \iff 1^2+1^2=x^2    x=2 \iff x=\sqrt{2} With that in mind, let's try and find the area of the purple square: A=x2=(2)2=2A=x^2=(\sqrt{2})^2=2 We now know that the area of this slanted, small square is equal to 2. With that in mind, let's look at the full picture:

We can clearly see that there are 5 of these same small purple squares that make up the logo. We already know that the area of one of the small purple squares is equal to 2, so the total area AtA_t is: At=5(A)=5(2)=10A_t=5(A)=5(2)=10 Thus, the answer is A.


Consider these two operations: ab=a2b2ab=(ab)2\begin{align*} a\,\blacklozenge\,b &= a^2 - b^2 \\ a \star b &= (a - b)^2 \end{align*}

Compute the value:

(53)6 (5\,\blacklozenge\,3) \star 6






Answer: D

Given the definitions of \blacklozenge and , \star, we can directly substitute these operations for said definitions to get: (53)6=(5232)6=166=(166)2=100\begin{align*} (5\,\blacklozenge\,3) \star 6 &= (5^2-3^2) \star 6 \\ &=16 \star 6 \\ &=(16-6)^2\\ &= 100\end{align*}

Thus, the answer is D.


When three positive integers a,a, b,b, and cc are multiplied together, their product is 100.100. Suppose a<b<c.a < b < c. In how many ways can the numbers be chosen?






Answer: E

We are given that a<b<c,abc=100.a < b < c, abc = 100.

As such, we know that a3<abc=100,a^3<abc=100, which implies that a3<100.a^3 < 100.

Considering 1003,\sqrt[3]{100}, we know that 43=64<1004^3=64<100 and 53=125>100,5^3=125>100, and therefore, we can conclude that a4.a\ge 4. As aa is a positive integer, we have four possible values of a:1,2,3,4.a:1,2,3,4. As aa is a factor of 100,100, we can eliminate the possibility of aa being 3,3, and are now left with three cases: a=1,2,4.a=1,2,4.

If a=1,a=1, then bc=100.bc =100 . Since b<c,b < c, we know b2<bc=100b^2 < bc=100 so 1<b<10.1 < b < 10 . Since bb is a factor of 100100 that satisfies this constraint, bb must be either 2,4,5.2,4,5. This creates the solutions of (1,2,50),(1,4,25), (1,2,50),(1,4,25), or (1,5,20.) (1,5,20.)

If a=2,a=2, then bc=50.bc =50 . Since b<c,b < c, we know b2<bc=50b^2 < bc=50 so 2<b<8.2 < b < 8 . Since bb is a factor of 5050 that satisfies this constraint, bb must be 5.5. This creates the solution of (2,5,10.) (2,5,10.)

If a=4,a=4, then bc=25.bc =25 . Since b<c,b < c, we know b2<bc=25b^2 < bc=25 so 4<b<5.4 < b < 5 . This creates no integer solutions for b.b.

We therefore have 4 total solutions.

Thus, the answer is A.


The letter M in the figure below is first reflected over the line qq and then reflected over the line p.p. What is the resulting image?

Answer: E

First reflect


over the line q,q, from which we obtain the following:

Then reflect


over the line p,p, from which we obtain the following:

Thus, the answer is E.


Anna and Bella are celebrating their birthdays together. Five years ago, when Bella turned 66 years old, she received a newborn kitten as a birthday present. Today the sum of the ages of the two children and the kitten is 3030 years. How many years older than Bella is Anna?






Answer: C

If Bella was 66 five years ago, then she is 1111 right now.

If the kitten was a newborn five years ago, then it is 55 right now.

Since the sum of all 33 ages is 30,30, Anna's age is 30511=1430-5-11 = 14

Since Anna is 1414 and Bella is 11,11, she is 33 years older than Bella.

Thus, the answer is C.


Three positive integers are equally spaced on a number line. The middle number is 1515 and the largest number is 44 times the smallest number. What is the smallest of these three numbers?






Answer: C

Since one of the outer number is 44 times the other, we can make one of the numbers xx and the other be 4x.4x.

Since the numbers are equally spaced, the middle number is the average of the outer two.

This means the average of xx and 4x4x is 15, so x+4x2=15.\dfrac{x+4x}{2} =15 . This means  5x=30,\ 5x=30 , so x=6.x=6. Our outer numbers therefore are 6,24,6,24, so the smaller one is 6.

Thus, the answer is C.


When the World Wide Web first became popular in the 1990s, download speeds reached a maximum of about 5656 kilobits per second. Approximately how many minutes would the download of a 4.24.2-megabyte song have taken at that speed? (Note that there are 80008000 kilobits in a megabyte.)






Answer: B

Given our definition of a megabyte as 80008000 kilobits, we know 4.24.2 megabytes is 80004.28000\cdot 4.2 kilobits. This can be rewritten as (8000340)(4.2403)(8000 \cdot \dfrac{3}{40})\cdot(4.2 \cdot \dfrac{40}{3}) kilobits which leads to us having 60056600\cdot56 kilobits. Since we know there are 5656 kilobits per second, we have 600600 seconds. This leads us to the answer of 1010 minutes.

Thus, the answer is B.


What is the value of:

132435182019212022 \dfrac{1}{3} \cdot \dfrac{2}{4} \cdot \dfrac{3}{5} \cdots \dfrac{18}{20} \cdot \dfrac{19}{21} \cdot \dfrac{20}{22}

1462\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{462}

1231\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{231}

1132\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{132}

2213\displaystyle \dfrac{2}{213}

122\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{22}

Answer: B

Since every integer from 33 to 2020 occurs once as a denominator and once as a numerator, they cancel each other out.

After canceling every number out, we have only 11 and 22 left as numerators and 2121 and 2222 left as denominators.

The remaining fraction is 122122. \dfrac{1 \cdot 2}{21 \cdot 22} . This simplifies to 2462=1231 \dfrac{2}{462} = \dfrac{1}{231}


A cup of boiling water (212212^\circ F) is placed to cool in a room whose temperature remains constant at 6868^\circ F. Suppose the difference between the water temperature and the room temperature is halved every 55 minutes. What is the water temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit, after 1515 minutes?






Answer: B

The current difference is 21268=144.212-68 = 144 .

Since we have 1515 minutes while halving every 55 minutes, we halve the difference 33 times.

This means the difference is multiplied by (12)3=18,(\dfrac{1}{2})^3 = \dfrac{1}{8} , so our new difference is 18144=18.\dfrac{1}{8}\cdot144=18. This makes our final temperature 68+18=86.68+18=86.

Thus, the answer is B.


One sunny day, Ling decided to take a hike in the mountains. She left her house at 88 a.m., drove at a constant speed of 4545 miles per hour, and arrived at the hiking trail at 1010 a.m. After hiking for 33 hours, Ling drove home at a constant speed of 6060 miles per hour. Which of the following graphs best illustrates the distance between Ling’s car and her house over the course of her trip?

Answer: E

She drives 4545 miles per hour for the first 22 hours, so she travels 9090 miles in the first two hours. This leaves choices A,E.A,E.

Since she hikes for 33 hours, she starts going back at 11pm.

She drives 9090 miles at 6060 mph, so she gets back in 9060=1.5\dfrac{90}{60} = 1.5 hours, so she is back at 22:30.30.

Thus, the answer is E.


Henry the donkey has a very long piece of pasta. He takes a number of bites of pasta, each time eating 33 inches of pasta from the middle of one piece. In the end, he has 1010 pieces of pasta whose total length is 1717 inches. How long, in inches, was the piece of pasta he started with?






Answer: D

Since there are 1010 pieces, there were 99 locations where a bite was made. Since we have 99 bites and 33 inches are removed per bite, a total of 2727 inches were removed.

With 2727 inches removed and 1717 inches remaining, we know we started with 27+17=4427+17 = 44 inches.

Thus, the answer is D.


The arrows on the two spinners shown below are spun. Let the number NN equal 1010 times the number on Spinner A, added to the number on Spinner B. What is the probability that NN is a perfect square number?

116\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{16}

18\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{8}

14\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{4}

38\displaystyle \dfrac{3}{8}

12\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{2}

Answer: B

This is the same problem as if we made the spinner A make the tens digit and spinner B make the ones digit.

If the tens digit is 5,6,7, or 8, and the ones digit is 1,2,3, or 4, the only possible ways to get a perfect square is 6,4 or 8,1.

There are 4x4=16 possible combinations that are equally likely, and 2 of them satisfy the property. Therfore, our answer is 216=18\dfrac{2}{16} = \dfrac{1}{8}

Thus, the answer is B.


How many positive integers can fill the blank in the sentence below?

“One positive integer is ___ more than twice another, and the sum of the two numbers is 2828






Answer: D

Let the first number be x.x. Then the second number is 2x+c2x+c where both xx and cc are positive integers.

Since their sum is 28,28, we know 3x+c=28.3x+c=28.
This also means c=283xc = 28-3x

With x>0,x > 0, the smallest possible value of xx is 1.1.
With c>0,c > 0 , we know 283x>028 -3x > 0 so 283>x.\dfrac{28}{3} > x.

This means the maximum value of xx is 9.9.

Since xx can be any number from 11 to 9,9, we have 99 solutions.

Thus, the answer is D.


In how many ways can the letters in BEEKEEPER be rearranged so that two or more E's do not appear together?






Answer: D

First, I claim that every E must be in an odd position.
This is because bringing any two Es together would bring them right next to each other.

This means the B,K,P, and R must each be in one of the even positions.

There are 44 choices for a letter in the second position, 33 choices for position for B, 33 remaining choices for a position in K, 22 remaining choices for a position in P, and 11 remaining choice for a position in R.

Therefore, there are 4321=244 \cdot 3\cdot2\cdot1=24 possible choices.

Thus, the answer is D.


László went online to shop for black pepper and found thirty different black pepper options varying in weight and price, shown in the scatter plot below. In ounces, what is the weight of the pepper that offers the lowest price per ounce?






Answer: C

For each weight, we find the lowest price.

At 11 ounce, we have a price slightly over 11 dollar, so the price per ounce is greater than 1.1.

At 22 ounces, we have a price of 22 dollars, so the price per ounce is 1.1.

At 33 ounces, we have a price of about 2.52.5 dollars, so the price per ounce close to 2.53\dfrac{2.5}{3} which is close to

At 44 ounces, we have a price close to 3.93.9 dollars, so the price per ounce close to 3.94\dfrac{3.9}{4} which is close to

At 55 ounces, we have a price close to 4.54.5 dollars, so the price per ounce close to 4.55\dfrac{4.5}{5} which is close to

The price per ounce at 33 ounces is the lowest.

Thus, the answer is C.


Four numbers are written in a row. The average of the first two is 21,21, the average of the middle two is 26,26, and the average of the last two is 30.30. What is the average of the first and last of the numbers?






Answer: B

Let the numbers be a,b,c,da,b,c,d in order.

Since the average of aa and bb is 21,21, we know their sum is 212=42.21\cdot2 = 42.
Since the average of cc and dd is 30,30, we know their sum is 302=60.30\cdot2 = 60.
Since a+b=42a+b = 42 and c+d=60,c+d = 60 , we know a+b+c+d=42+60=112\begin{align*} a+b+c+d &= 42 + 60\\ &= 112 \end{align*}

Now, with the average of bb and cc being 26,26, we know their sum is 262=52.26\cdot2=52. This means b+c=52.b+c = 52.

Subtracting this result from the sum of all the terms yields a+d=50.a+d =50.
Since a+d2=25,\dfrac{a+d}{2}=25, our answer is 25.25.

Thus, the answer is B.


If nn is an even positive integer, the double factorial notation n!!n!! represents the product of all the even integers from 22 to n.n. For example:

8!!=2×4×6×8 8!! = 2 \times 4 \times 6 \times 8

What is the units digit of the following sum?

2!!+4!!++2022!! 2!! + 4!! + \cdots + 2022!!






Answer: B

If we take n!!n!! for an even nn that is greater or equal to 10,10, then 1010 is one of the numbers we multiply by. Since 1010 is a factor of n!!,n!!, we know that the units digit of 1010 is 0,0, which means that it doesn't affect our result.

This means it suffices to compute the units digit of 2!!+4!!+6!!+8!!,2!!+4!!+6!!+8!!, which is equivalent to: 2+2(4)+2(4)(6)+2(4)(6)(8)=2+8+48+384=442\begin{align*} &2+ 2(4)+2(4)(6)\\ &+2(4)(6)(8)\\ &= 2+8+48+384\\ &= 442 \end{align*} The units digit therefore is 22

Thus, the answer is B.


The midpoints of the four sides of a rectangle are:

(3,0),(-3, 0),

(2,0),(2, 0),

(5,4),(5, 4),

(0,4).(0, 4).

What is the area of the rectangle?






Answer: C

Allow: A=(3,0)A=(-3,0)B=(2,0)B=(2,0)C=(5,4)C=(5,4)D=(0,4)D=(0,4) This gives us the following rhombus:

Now, moving away from the rhombus in question, let's consider more generally the relationship between a quadrilateral and the figure formed by its midpoints. Observe the arbitrary quadrilateral PQRS,PQRS, its diagonals (dashed red), and the figure formed by its midpoints:

Note that the actual coordinates of P,Q,R,SP,Q,R,S don't matter, rather, as long as PQRSPQRS is a convex quadrilateral.

Let's first consider the triangle QSP.\triangle QSP. Notice that PW=12PQ\overline{PW} = \dfrac12 \overline{PQ} as WW is the midpoint of PQ,\overline{PQ}, and similarly, PZ=12PS.\overline{PZ}=\dfrac12 \overline{PS}. Also notice that the angle SPQ\angle SPQ is contained within both QSP\triangle QSP and WZP.\triangle WZP. Therefore, we know that the two triangles are similar, and consequently, the side WZ\overline{WZ} and the diagonal SQ\overline{SQ} are parallel, and WZ=12SQ.\overline{WZ} = \dfrac12 \overline{SQ}. We can use this same reasoning to show that the side XY\overline{XY} and the diagonal SQ\overline{SQ} are parallel, and XY=12SQ.\overline{XY} = \dfrac12 \overline{SQ}. Furthermore, if we consider the triangles formed by the other diagonal PR,PR, we can reapply this reasoning to show that the sides WX,YZ\overline{WX},\overline{YZ} and the diagonal PR\overline{PR} are parallel, and WX=YZ=12PR.\overline{WX} = \overline{YZ}=\dfrac12 \overline{PR}.

Therefore, WXYZWXYZ is a parallelogram where each of the unequal sides' lengths are equal to half the length of the corresponding parallel diagonal. With that in mind, notice that if we were to create a triangle out of W,X,W,X, and the midpoint of PR,\overline{PR}, then the area of the right part of the parallelogram would be half the area of the new triangle formed, which would be 14\dfrac14 the area of PQR.\triangle PQR. Similarly, it is clear that the area of the bottom left part of the parallelogram is half the area of PRS.\triangle PRS. Adding those two parts up shows that the area of WXYZWXYZ is half that of PQRS.PQRS.

With that in mind, let's go back to the original problem. Calculating the area of ABCDABCD: Area=ABMD=54=20\begin{align}\text{Area} &= \overline{AB}\cdot \overline{MD}\\ &= 5\cdot 4\\ &= 20\end{align} And as the area of ABCDABCD is half that of the quadrilateral whose midpoints created it, we can conclude that the parent quadrilateral has an area of 220=40.2\cdot 20=40.

Thus, the answer is C.


Mr. Ramos gave a test to his class of 2020 students. The dot plot below shows the distribution of test scores.

Later Mr. Ramos discovered that there was a scoring error on one of the questions. He regraded the tests, awarding some of the students 55 extra points, which increased the median test score to 85.85. What is the minimum number of students who received extra points?

(Note that the median test score equals the average of the 22 scores in the middle if the 2020 test scores are arranged in increasing order.)






Answer: C

To make the median equal to 8585 the average between the 1010th and 1111th highest scores must be 85.85. Therefore, we either have the 1010th best and 1111th best scores being 8585 or having the 1010th best score be above 8585 and the bottom and the 1111th best score be under 85.85. The second option involves not having any scores of 85.85.

If we move all the scores out of 8585 we have only 77 scores greater than 85.85. We can't move any other score to be greater than 85.85. Therefore, this scenario can't happen.

Therefore, we must have the 1010th and 1111th best scores be 85.85. There are currently 77 scores greater than or equal to 85,85, so we must add 44 more scores so the 1111th best score is 85.85.

Thus, the answer is C.


The grid below is to be filled with integers in such a way that the sum of the numbers in each row and the sum of the numbers in each column are the same. Four numbers are missing. The number xx in the lower left corner is larger than the other three missing numbers. What is the smallest possible value of x?x?






Answer: D

First, by adding the numbers on the top row, we know the sum of the rows and columns are 12.12.

Since the sum of the numbers in the first column is 1212 and we know that one of the numbers is 2,-2, we know the sum of the other two is 14.14. This means that the number above xx is 14x.14-x.

Since the sum of the numbers in the bottom row is 1212 and we know that one of the numbers is 8,8, we know the sum of the other two is 4.4. This means that the number to the right of xx is 4x.4-x.

Since the sum of the numbers in the middle row is 1212 and we know that two of them are 14x14-x and 1,-1, we know the remaining number is x1.x-1.

We know that x>14xx > 14-x and x>4xx > 4-x as xx is the greatest number. This leads us to know x>7.x > 7 . Since x>x1x > x-1 is always true, our only restriction is x>7.x > 7 . This means x=8x=8 is our minimum solution.

Thus, the answer is D.


Steph scored 1515 baskets out of 2020 attempts in the first half of a game, and 1010 baskets out of 1010 attempts in the second half. Candace took 1212 attempts in the first half and 1818 attempts in the second. In each half, Steph scored a higher percentage of baskets than Candace. Surprisingly they ended with the same overall percentage of baskets scored. How many more baskets did Candace score in the second half than in the first?






Answer: C

They both shot 30 baskets total, so if they have the same make percentage, then they made the same total amount. This means Candace also made 2525 total shots.

Now, let ff be the number of shots Candace made in the first half and let ss be the number of shots Candace made in the second half.
We know she made 2525 shots, so f+s=25.f+s=25.

By the condition that she had a lower percentage in each half, we know f12<1520\dfrac{f}{12} < \dfrac{15}{20} and s18<1010.\dfrac{s}{18} < \dfrac{10}{10}. With cross multiplication, we know f<9f < 9 and s<18.s < 18. Since f,sf,s are whole numbers, we have the restriction that f8,s17. f \leq 8, s \leq 17.

With our knowledge that f+s=25f+s=25 and the condition that f8,s17, f \leq 8, s \leq 17, the only possible solution is f=8f=8 and s=17.s=17.
This makes our answer sf=9.s-f = 9.

Thus, the answer is C.


A bus takes 22 minutes to drive from one stop to the next, and waits 11 minute at each stop to let passengers board. Zia takes 55 minutes to walk from one bus stop to the next. As Zia reaches a bus stop, if the bus is at the previous stop or has already left the previous stop, then she will wait for the bus. Otherwise she will start walking toward the next stop. Suppose the bus and Zia start at the same time toward the library, with the bus 33 stops behind. After how many minutes will Zia board the bus?






Answer: A

Since a bus stops takes 22 minutes to drive and 11 minute at every stop, the bus takes 33 minutes at every stop.

Zia can only stop at every 55 minute interval as that is when she arrives at a bus stop and chooses whether to stop or continue.
Therefore, we can consider the time Zia stops by looking at each of their locations at these intervals.

After 00 minutes, Zia is 33 stops from where the bus started.
After 55 minutes, Zia is 44 stops from where the bus started. Meanwhile, the bus is 22 stops from where it started, waiting. Zia therefore doesn't stop here.
After 1010 minutes, Zia is 55 stops from where the bus started. Meanwhile, the bus is between the 33rd and 44th stops from where it started. Zia therefore doesn't stop here.
After 1515 minutes, Zia is 66 stops from where the bus started. Meanwhile, the bus is 55 stops from where it started, about to leave. Since the bus is at the previous stop, she will wait here.

It will then take 22 more minutes to get to Zia, so the total time was 1717 minutes.

Thus, the answer is A.


A \bigtriangleup or \bigcirc is placed in each of the nine squares in a 3×33 \times 3 grid. Shown below is a sample configuration with three \bigtriangleup's in a line.

How many configurations will have three \bigtriangleup's in a line and three \bigcirc's in a line?






Answer: D

First, there can't be a horizontal line of one shape and a vertical line of another shape.
This can't happen as it would require a position to take both shapes.

This means we can consider only when the lines are horizontal and only when the lines are vertical.
Since rotating the shapes will take the lines from horizontal to vertical, we only need to check how many vertical lines there are as there are equally as many horizontal lines.

Now, when finding configurations, we can have 33 separate vertical lines or only 22 vertical lines. We can split this into cases.

Case 1: 33 lines: There are 22 choices for the first line (which could be all triangles and all circles), 22 choices for the second line, and 22 choices for the third line. This would make 222=82\cdot2\cdot2 = 8 choices. However, there are two cases to ignore in which each line is the same. These cases would ensure that only one shape has a line. Therefore, with 33 lines, we have 82=68-2=6 total choices.

Case 2: 22 lines: Since there are two lines and we need at least one line of each shape, each shape can only have one line. There are 33 ways to choose a spot for the line of triangles a 22 ways to choose a spot for the line of circles. Now, with the remaining 3 spots, we need to ensure that a line isn't creates or it would fall into the other case. This would mean we have 2222=62\cdot2\cdot2-2 =6 choices for the remaining line. Totally, we have 326=363\cdot2\cdot6=36 choices with 22 lines.

This means we have 6+36=426+36=42 configurations with vertical lines. As shown before, we have the same number of horizontal configurations, so we have 4242 horizontal configurations. This makes 8484 total cases.

Thus, the answer is D.


The figure below shows a polygon ABCDEFGH,ABCDEFGH, consisting of rectangles and right triangles. When cut out and folded on the dotted lines, the polygon forms a triangular prism. Suppose that:

AH=EF=8 AH = EF = 8


GH=14. GH = 14.

What is the volume of the prism?






Answer: C

Since EFEF maps to GFGF on the map, we know GF=EF=8.GF=EF=8. Since GFCBGFCB is a rectangle with GFGF and BCBC being opposite, we know BC=GF=8.BC=GF=8. Since ABAB maps to BCBC on the map, we know AB=BC=8.AB=BC=8. Since HJBAHJBA is a rectangle with HJHJ and ABAB being opposite, we know HJ=AB=8.HJ=AB=8. Since HJBAHJBA is a rectangle with BJBJ and AJAJ being opposite, we know BJ=AH=8.BJ=AH=8. Since GJ=GHJH,GJ = GH - JH, we know GJ=148=6.GJ = 14-8=6. The area of BJGBJG is 682=24.\dfrac{6\cdot8}{2} = 24. Now, we can make this prism complete with bases of BJGBJG and CIF.CIF. The volume of a prism is the area of the base times the altitude to the base. We can use BJGBJG as our base and GFGF as our altitude. This would make our volume equal to [BJG]GF=248=192.[BJG]\cdot GF = 24\cdot8=192.

Thus, the answer is C.


A cricket randomly hops between 44 leaves, on each turn hopping to one of the other 33 leaves with equal probability. After 44 hops, what is the probability that the cricket has returned to the leaf where it started?

29\displaystyle \dfrac{2}{9}

1980\displaystyle \dfrac{19}{80}

2081\displaystyle \dfrac{20}{81}

14\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{4}

727\displaystyle \dfrac{7}{27}

Answer: E

We begin by defining the action of the cricket jumping to the starting leaf as AA and the action of it jumping to any of the other three leaves as B.B. With this in mind, note that when the cricket is on the first leaf, the probability of it jumping to the first leaf, P(A),P(A), is zero, and the probability that it jumps to any of the other leaves, P(B),P(B), is 1.1. Similarly, notice that when the cricket is not on the first leaf, P(A)=13P(A)=\dfrac13 and P(B)=23.P(B)=\dfrac23.

Therefore, let us map out all possible paths the cricket can take in four hops, and track the probability of each path as follows:

We want to find the total probability of the cricket landing on the first leaf, and as such, we want to find the total probability that the last node in the diagram is A4.A_4. This means that we want to find P(A4)P(\sum A_4): =P(1)+P(4)=(113113)+(1232313)=19+427=727\begin{align*} &= P_{(1)}+P_{(4)} \\ & = \left(1\cdot \dfrac13 \cdot 1 \cdot \dfrac 13\right)\\ &+ \left( 1\cdot \dfrac23 \cdot \dfrac23 \cdot \dfrac13 \right)\\ &= \dfrac19 +\dfrac{4}{27}\\ &=\dfrac{7}{27} \end{align*}

Thus, the answer is E.