Think creatively. Solve boldly.

Prepare for the AMC 8 with an expertly crafted mock test and live review session led by Prof. Po-Shen Loh. Enhance your creativity, boost your confidence, and tackle problems like never before.

2025 AMC 8 Prep Pack

Fresh AMC 8 Mock Test with Original Problems

A challenging, 25-question mock test written by Prof. Loh, crafted to mirror the AMC 8's structure and complexity. Each question pushes students to think differently, strengthening both their problem-solving abilities and creativity.

LIVE Solve

On December 28, 2024 at 8pm USA Eastern Time, join Po-Shen Loh and expert LIVE instructors for an interactive, 90-minute LIVE Solve session. We'll bring expert problem-solvers who have never seen the problems before, so that you can watch how professionals invent on the spot when they face unfamiliar questions.

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    Poster about AMC 8 practice
  2. Share the poster with your friends by posting it on your favorite social media platform. Here's a sample caption you can adapt:

    Math competition season is approaching! I’m excited to kick off this year's AMC 8 prep with LIVE, by Po-Shen Loh. They are offering a free mock test and review session to help prepare. Join in:

  3. Take a screenshot of your post after it has collected at least 5 likes and it has been on your feed for at least 2 hours. To submit, email a screenshot of the post to, or send a message to our Facebook page.
  4. We will grant you access to the AMC 8 problem review sessions.


基于竞赛数学这种新的学习方式,罗博深教授创建了完整的课程体系LIVE, by Po-Shen Loh。在LIVE的课堂,你会学到真正严谨的的数学。课堂呈现将生动的教学视频和能力非凡的高中生老师相结合,通过我们开发的改变 Zoom 体验的定制聊天技术,让孩子们体验前所未有的有趣课程,并通过这种方式学习来学习中学竞赛数学中的每个主题。



$1 试听课

体验100%真实互动的LIVE课堂——与两位LIVE Star老师一起,亲身感受学生成为主角的数学课程!我们鼓励每个孩子勇敢表达,分享自己的解题思路和看法,无需担心答案是否完美,老师们将帮助你发现并鼓励每次发言中的闪光点!通过锻炼数理思维和表达能力,告别似懂非懂和机械记忆,在深入思考中真正内化知识,形成新的脑神经连接,真正实现学习的价值!



不知道选择什么课程?别担心,我们的专业课程顾问将帮助您为孩子规划程度最匹配的学习方案。您可以关注微信公众号“罗博深数学”,添加课程咨询老师获得免费中文咨询服务。如果您不确定孩子目前的数学能力,或对课程还有更多问题,也欢迎随时通过 向我们发送电子邮件垂询,或点击下方按键,与我们的课程顾问预约一对一免费电话咨询:

