Number Theory

Our most challenging course. A systematic introduction to abstract concepts across number theory, illustrated through custom-designed problems that make difficult-to-grasp ideas concrete. Covers concepts in MATHCOUNTS, AMC 8, AMC 10, AMC 12, and AIME.

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¿Para quién es este curso?

Are you taking any math class from 6th Grade Math through Calculus, and already know the content in our Combinatorics class? If so, then you are already ready to understand this course. It will efficiently teach you the challenging concepts in Number Theory which are not taught in regular school curriculum.

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Estructura del curso

Este curso contiene 20 videos en vivo de LIVE de 1 hora. 16 son lecciones y 4 son análisis de examen donde se comentan los 4 exámenes de práctica de 1 hora del curso (tarea). Dos de nuestras Stars enseñan la clase conjuntamente. En total, hay más de 150 problemas.

Cada lección contiene distintos problemas diseñados para que sean desconocidos para ti, para inspirarte a imaginar tus propias soluciones. En el formato de clase de video en vivo de LIVE, tu propones ideas y pensamos juntos para inventar varias soluciones alternativas con las ideas propuestas en clase. Así participas activamente en el descubrimiento de las matemáticas.

Cada examen de práctica contiene 20 problemas. La mitad son de dificultad media y la otra mitad son más complejos.



Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot


Brilliant-Wonderful, thought-out well explanations to questions I never thought could be so interesting! I've learned to love to find out more with this wonderful course.


Thank you so much for creating this course. I love it, and it's the best. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of evidence. On the final test of this course, I scored a 100%. This proves that this course is very effective and helps you with number theory! - Jocelyn!


Worth everything and learned a lot

Plan de estudios

Día 1

Remainder mod 10; definition of modular congruency; notation of a modulo b; remainders of n²; modular addition, subtraction and multiplication; remainders modulo 11; negative remainders

Día 2

Explanation and motivation for divisibility rules for 3 and 9 and shortcuts for their use; sum and average of an arithmetic progression; triangular numbers; modular multiplication

Día 3

Explanation and motivation for divisibility rules for 2, 4, and 8 and shortcuts for their use; permutations; divisibility by 12; sum and average of arithmetic progression; negative remainders

Día 4

Remainders after dividing by 99; factors; patterns in multiples of 9 mod 1; palindromic numbers; factors of 1001 and 1111; negative remainders; remainders mod 11; arithmetic progression

Día 5

Prime factorization; number of factors; sum of factors; average of factors; sum of reciprocals of factors; product of factors; factors of 111; expanding factors; sum of consecutive powers of 2; geometric series

Día 6

Number of zeroes at the end of combinatorial expressions such as factorial; modular multiplication; floor function; ways to choose n objects; sum of consecutive powers of 2;

Día 7

Least Common Multiple (LCM); Greatest Common Divisor (GCD); prime factorization; product of LCM and GCD; quotient of LCM and GCD; factorials

Día 8

Motivation for and examples of Euclidean Algorithm for finding GCD; Fibonacci numbers; factors of 111; relatively prime numbers

Día 9

Relatively prime numbers; pattern of cycling remainders; remainders of multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9; Venn diagram; Inclusion / exclusion; Euler's Totient Function

Día 10

Chinese Remainder Theorem and use with composite moduli; negative remainders; solving sets of congruences; LCM; remainders of multiples of 6 mod 5; negative remainders

Día 11

Chinese Remainder Theorem with non-relatively-prime moduli; remainders of multiples of 9 mod 12; cycles of remainders of multiples of 9; LCM; reduction of systems of congruences; unsolvable congruences

Día 12

Systems of three congruences; Euler's Totient Function; remainders modulo composite numbers; pairwise relatively prime numbers; Venn diagram; factoring; combinatorial counting

Día 13

Factoring tricks for solving algebraic equations; area and perimeter of rectangles; number of ways to factor; equations in 1/x; impossibility of division by 0; number of integers solutions to an equation

Día 14

Remainders of powers; cycles of remainders of powers; pattern of last two digits of powers of 7; remainders of powers of 7 mod 4; power towers

Día 15

Multiplicative inverses with respect to a modulus; explanation and motivation for divisibility trick for 7; repeating cycles of remainders

Día 16

Terminating decimals and their fraction representations; repeating periods of repeating decimals; proof of why square root of 2 is irrational; prime factorization; proof techiques and directions of logic; proof by contradiction


Este curso puede ser en vivo o a tu propio ritmo. Es más recomendable seguir el formato en vivo, ya que está diseñado para ser tan envolvente que los estudiantes amarán el desafío. Nunca existió nada así. Todos los horarios están en la zona horaria del Este de EE. UU. y se respetará el cambio de hora de verano de EE. UU. el domingo 6 de noviembre.

Icono para Number Theory
S 12:00–1:30am desde {{firstDateM}/{{firstDateD}}

Number Theory (Module 5)

ver $599

Los estudiantes que no puedan ajustarse a nuestro horario, o que ya tengan la motivación, tienen la versión a tu propio ritmo con toda la enseñanza del Prof. Loh sobre el tema. Inscríbete y elige el formato de tu preferencia: