Excited math teacher getting ready to teach
Math teacher with writing on screen
Another math teacher with writing on screen
Professor Po-Shen Loh teaching math

2025 AMC 8

LIVE Solution Review Ene 31, 2025 en 8:30pm (your local time zone)


The best solution review

Expert live solvers

Making hard math fun

With Po-Shen Loh

Watch Recording


Try the problems yourself with the links below, and jump to the 2025 AMC 8 math contest exam problems, video solutions, and answer key.

2025 AMC 8 problems

LIVE Review of 2025 AMC 8

Join the world's most engaging live review of the 2025 AMC 8 problems and solutions, led by expert solvers who turn math into performance art. We'll use the live video teaching technique we've pioneered to help middle school students learn to love challenging math. It transforms Zoom to become unrecognizably lively.

It's as if Instagram Live and Twitch got into education.

On Ene 31, 2025 en 8:30pm (in your local time zone), Professor Po-Shen Loh and two LIVE math stars will go on air, and comprehensively discuss the problems from this year's AMC 8 competition. The twist: our co-hosts have professional experience solving problems on the spot, so they intentionally will not look at the problems beforehand.

Meet the Co-Stars

Foto de perfil de Anshul Gokul

4-time AIME qualifier • 2023 USAPHO qualifier • enjoys basketball and chess in his free time

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Foto de perfil de Vivian Tang

AIME qualifier • Math Prize for Girls Qualifier • MATHCOUNTS Coach • Passionate dancer and teacher

haz clic para más


Register for free to obtain the 2025 AMC 8 Problem Review Zoom link. Every registrant will be able to watch live, regardless of how many people register. The main Zoom meeting room (in which participants also directly chat with the presenters, in addition to watching), is limited to the first 1,000 people who join the meeting on the event day. All other registered participants will join an alternative link, where they can still watch live, and chat with other participants.

Registration Closed

Registrants so far: 1680

Learn Like This

Hemos creado un plan de estudios y un programa académico anual que se basan totalmente en esta nueva forma de aprendizaje. Están diseñados por Po-Shen Loh y es matemática formal. Combina videos en vivo y estudiantes de secundaria superior increíbles con una tecnología personalizada que transforma la experiencia de Zoom. Puedes aprender todos los temas de las competiciones de Matemáticas de secundaria intermedia así.

Nuestro objetivo: que descubras habilidades que no sabías que tenías, mientras disfrutas cada momento.


Ponte en contacto

Nos encantaría conversar contigo. Queremos ayudarte a encontrar los mejores recursos de aprendizaje para tus estudiantes. Si este no es el camino, te indicaremos a donde ir. Nosotros entendemos el panorama y creamos esta plataforma porque sabemos que les sirve a muchos estudiantes. Envíanos un correo electrónico cuando quieras a course-consulting@poshenloh.com.

Para enterarte de todas las oportunidades, únete a nuestra lista de correo electrónico para recibir los boletines informativos para padres y madres ocupados. Recibirás información actualizada sobre matemáticas y educación cada dos semanas.