Algebra Tools

Since algebraic problems appear twice as frequently as other subjects on MATHCOUNTS and AMC 8, this course makes a second pass at algebra, covering more advanced topics that Algebra Basics (Module 1) did not have time for.

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¿Para quién es este curso?

Are you taking any math class from 5th Grade Math through Algebra, and already know the content in our Algebra Basics class? If so, you are already ready to understand this course. It will teach many Algebra topics with creative methods that go beyond the curriculum.

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Estructura del curso

Este curso contiene 20 videos en vivo de LIVE de 1 hora. 16 son lecciones y 4 son análisis de examen donde se comentan los 4 exámenes de práctica de 1 hora del curso (tarea). Dos de nuestras Stars enseñan la clase conjuntamente. En total, hay más de 150 problemas.

Cada lección contiene distintos problemas diseñados para que sean desconocidos para ti, para inspirarte a imaginar tus propias soluciones. En el formato de clase de video en vivo de LIVE, tu propones ideas y pensamos juntos para inventar varias soluciones alternativas con las ideas propuestas en clase. Así participas activamente en el descubrimiento de las matemáticas.

Cada examen de práctica contiene 20 problemas. La mitad son de dificultad media y la otra mitad son más complejos.



really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.


really well explained!


This course shows you all the tips and tricks to not only to algebra but much more. They break it up into little pieces so you don't have to do much time every day. And whenever you have free time, boom! You can work on some math. This is coming from a fifth grader.

Plan de estudios

Día 1

Percentage problems; decimals; ratios; difference of squares; distributive property; patterns in squares; exponents; scientific notation; estimation; expressions with two variables; multiplying binomials; special numbers

Día 2

Interpreting word problems using algebraic expressions; number patterns; solving linear equations in two variables; integer equations; distributive property

Día 3

Functions; averages; applications of variable expressions; order of operations; distributive property; simplifying expressions; rational functions; reciprocals; inverse functions

Día 4

Sequences; algebraic methods and Fibonacci sequence; linear equations in one variable; rational expressions; functions; rational numbers and their decimal representations

Día 5

Arithmetic and geometric sequences and their sums; averages; parity; prime factorization; divisibility; negative integers; sum of powers of 2; common ratio

Día 6

Simplifying radicals and rational expressions; square roots; nested square root expressions; multiplying binomials; nonlinear equations in two variables; integer expressions; word problems; difference of squares; common denominator

Día 7

Exponents, multiplying and dividing exponents; n-th roots; derivation of definition of fractional powers; estimation; geometric sequences; common ratio; derivation of formula for geometric mean

Día 8

Repeating decimals derived from geometric sequences and fractional form of; linear equations in one variable; sum of a convergent geometric sequence

Día 9

Word problems; systems of linear equations in two variables; substitution method; rational equations; reciprocals; change of variables; averages; number line

Día 10

Linear equations in three variables; substitution method; adding and subtracting equations; symmetry

Día 11

Quadratic equations; factoring methods; multiplying binomials; distributive property; zero product rule; sum and product of the solutions of a quadratic and Viète's formulas; change of variables; reciprocals

Día 12

Derivation of Loh method of solving quadratic equations and applications to word problems; roots of an equation; ratios and proportion; area; sum and product of roots of a quadratic; golden ratio; difference of squares

Día 13

Graphing; definition of axes, origin, and coordinates; perpendicular angles and bisectors; rotation; system of linear equations with two variables; midpoints; slope-intercept form; slope of a line; x- and y- intercepts

Día 14

Graphing; intersection point of two lines; x- and y-intercepts; similar triangles; ratios; rotations of lines; systems of equations with two variables; sum of angles in a triangle; distance between a point and a line

Día 15

Right isosceles triangles; Pythagorean Thm; slope-intercept form of the equation of a line; coordinates; distance between two points; point equidistant from two other points; perpendicular bisector

Día 16

Graph of a parabola; tangent line to a curve; coordinates; slope and approximating slope; multiplying binomials; decimals; graph of the square root function; inverse functions; reflection of a curve


Este curso puede ser en vivo o a tu propio ritmo. Es más recomendable seguir el formato en vivo, ya que está diseñado para ser tan envolvente que los estudiantes amarán el desafío. Nunca existió nada así. Todos los horarios están en la zona horaria del Este de EE. UU. y se respetará el cambio de hora de verano de EE. UU. el domingo 6 de noviembre.

Icono para Algebra Tools
D 12:00–1:15am desde {{firstDateM}/{{firstDateD}}

Algebra Tools (Module 4)

ver $519

Los estudiantes que no puedan ajustarse a nuestro horario, o que ya tengan la motivación, tienen la versión a tu propio ritmo con toda la enseñanza del Prof. Loh sobre el tema. Inscríbete y elige el formato de tu preferencia: