2024 AMC 8
LIVE Problem Review Jan 27
The best solution review
Expert live solvers
Making hard math fun
With Po-Shen Loh
Watch the Recording
LIVE Review of 2024 AMC 8
Join the world's most engaging live review of the 2024 AMC 8 problems and solutions, led by expert solvers who turn math into performance art. We'll use the new live video teaching technique we've pioneered to help middle school students learn to love challenging math. It transforms Zoom to become unrecognizably lively.
It's as if Instagram Live and Twitch got into education.
On Sat Jan 24, 2024, from 8–9pm Eastern Time, Professor Po-Shen Loh and four LIVE math stars went on air, and comprehensively discussed the problems from this year's AMC 8 competition. The twist: our co-hosts have professional experience solving problems on the spot, so they intentionally did not look at the problems beforehand.
Meet the Co-Stars

AIME qualifier • Coach of local middle school's MATHCOUNTS team • Enjoys listening to music, playing chess
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2022 USA(J)MO Winner and MOP attendee • Coach of local middle school math team • MIT PRIMES 2023
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Harvard Class of 2028 • National President of Math Honor Society • AIME Qualifier • Placed top 4 in national math competitions • Perfect score on APCSA
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National MATHCOUNTS competitor for Nevada • AIME qualifier • Enjoys video production and piano
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Learn Like This
Hemos creado un plan de estudios y un programa académico anual que se basan totalmente en esta nueva forma de aprendizaje. Están diseñados por Po-Shen Loh y es matemática formal. Combina videos en vivo y estudiantes de secundaria superior increíbles con una tecnología personalizada que transforma la experiencia de Zoom. Puedes aprender todos los temas de las competiciones de Matemáticas de secundaria intermedia así.
Nuestro objetivo: que descubras habilidades que no sabías que tenías, mientras disfrutas cada momento.
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